/* Copyright 2012 The ChromiumOS Authors * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #include #include "cgpt.h" #include "cgptlib_internal.h" #include "crc32.h" #include "vboot_host.h" /* Generate output like: * * [AB-CD-EF-01] for group = 1 * [ABCD-EF01] for group = 3 (low byte first) * * Needs (size*3-1+3) bytes of space in 'buf' (included the tailing '\0'). */ #define BUFFER_SIZE(size) (size *3 - 1 + 3) static short Uint8To2Chars(const uint8_t t) { int h = t >> 4; int l = t & 0xf; h = (h >= 0xA) ? h - 0xA + 'A' : h + '0'; l = (l >= 0xA) ? l - 0xA + 'A' : l + '0'; return (h << 8) + l; } static void RawDump(const uint8_t *memory, const int size, char *buf, int group) { int i, outlen = 0; buf[outlen++] = '['; for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { short c2 = Uint8To2Chars(memory[i]); buf[outlen++] = c2 >> 8; buf[outlen++] = c2 & 0xff; if (i != (size - 1) && ((i + 1) % group) == 0) buf[outlen++] = '-'; } buf[outlen++] = ']'; buf[outlen++] = '\0'; } /* Output formatters */ #define TITLE_FMT "%12s%12s%8s %s\n" #define GPT_FMT "%12"PRId64"%12"PRId64"%8s %s\n" #define GPT_MORE "%12s%12s%8s ", "", "", "" #define PARTITION_FMT "%12"PRId64"%12"PRId64"%8d %s\n" #define PARTITION_MORE "%12s%12s%8s %s%s\n", "", "", "" static void PrintSignature(const char *indent, const char *sig, size_t n, int raw) { size_t i; printf("%sSig: ", indent); if (!raw) { printf("["); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) printf("%c", sig[i]); printf("]"); } else { char *buf = malloc(BUFFER_SIZE(n)); RawDump((uint8_t *)sig, n, buf, 1); printf("%s", buf); free(buf); } printf("\n"); } static void HeaderDetails(GptHeader *header, GptEntry *entries, const char *indent, int raw) { PrintSignature(indent, header->signature, sizeof(header->signature), raw); printf("%sRev: 0x%08x\n", indent, header->revision); printf("%sSize: %d (blocks)\n", indent, header->size); printf("%sHeader CRC: 0x%08x %s\n", indent, header->header_crc32, (HeaderCrc(header) != header->header_crc32) ? "(INVALID)" : ""); printf("%sMy LBA: %lld\n", indent, (long long)header->my_lba); printf("%sAlternate LBA: %lld\n", indent, (long long)header->alternate_lba); printf("%sFirst LBA: %lld\n", indent, (long long)header->first_usable_lba); printf("%sLast LBA: %lld\n", indent, (long long)header->last_usable_lba); { /* For disk guid */ char buf[GUID_STRLEN]; GuidToStr(&header->disk_uuid, buf, GUID_STRLEN); printf("%sDisk UUID: %s\n", indent, buf); } printf("%sEntries LBA: %lld\n", indent, (long long)header->entries_lba); printf("%sNumber of entries: %d\n", indent, header->number_of_entries); printf("%sSize of entry: %d\n", indent, header->size_of_entry); printf("%sEntries CRC: 0x%08x %s\n", indent, header->entries_crc32, header->entries_crc32 != Crc32((const uint8_t *)entries,header->size_of_entry * header->number_of_entries) ? "INVALID" : "" ); } void EntryDetails(GptEntry *entry, uint32_t index, int raw) { char contents[256]; // scratch buffer for formatting output uint8_t label[GPT_PARTNAME_LEN]; char type[GUID_STRLEN], unique[GUID_STRLEN]; int clen; UTF16ToUTF8(entry->name, sizeof(entry->name) / sizeof(entry->name[0]), label, sizeof(label)); require(snprintf(contents, sizeof(contents), "Label: \"%s\"", label) < sizeof(contents)); printf(PARTITION_FMT, (uint64_t)entry->starting_lba, (uint64_t)(entry->ending_lba - entry->starting_lba + 1), index+1, contents); if (!raw && CGPT_OK == ResolveType(&entry->type, type)) { printf(PARTITION_MORE, "Type: ", type); } else { GuidToStr(&entry->type, type, GUID_STRLEN); printf(PARTITION_MORE, "Type: ", type); } GuidToStr(&entry->unique, unique, GUID_STRLEN); printf(PARTITION_MORE, "UUID: ", unique); clen = 0; if (!raw) { if (GuidEqual(&guid_chromeos_kernel, &entry->type)) { int tries = (entry->attrs.fields.gpt_att & CGPT_ATTRIBUTE_TRIES_MASK) >> CGPT_ATTRIBUTE_TRIES_OFFSET; int successful = (entry->attrs.fields.gpt_att & CGPT_ATTRIBUTE_SUCCESSFUL_MASK) >> CGPT_ATTRIBUTE_SUCCESSFUL_OFFSET; int priority = (entry->attrs.fields.gpt_att & CGPT_ATTRIBUTE_PRIORITY_MASK) >> CGPT_ATTRIBUTE_PRIORITY_OFFSET; int error_counter = (entry->attrs.fields.gpt_att & CGPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERROR_COUNTER_MASK) >> CGPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERROR_COUNTER_OFFSET; clen = snprintf(contents, sizeof(contents), "priority=%d tries=%d successful=%d error_counter=%d ", priority, tries, successful, error_counter); } if (entry->attrs.fields.required) { clen += snprintf(contents + clen, sizeof(contents) - clen, "required=%d ", entry->attrs.fields.required); require(clen < sizeof(contents)); } if (entry->attrs.fields.efi_ignore) { clen += snprintf(contents + clen, sizeof(contents) - clen, "efi_ignore=%d ", entry->attrs.fields.efi_ignore); require(clen < sizeof(contents)); } if (entry->attrs.fields.legacy_boot) { clen += snprintf(contents + clen, sizeof(contents) - clen, "legacy_boot=%d ", entry->attrs.fields.legacy_boot); require(clen < sizeof(contents)); } } else { clen = snprintf(contents, sizeof(contents), "[%x]", entry->attrs.fields.gpt_att); } require(clen < sizeof(contents)); if (clen) printf(PARTITION_MORE, "Attr: ", contents); } static void EntriesDetails(struct drive *drive, const int secondary, int raw) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < GetNumberOfEntries(drive); ++i) { GptEntry *entry; entry = GetEntry(&drive->gpt, secondary, i); if (GuidIsZero(&entry->type)) continue; EntryDetails(entry, i, raw); } } static int GptShow(struct drive *drive, CgptShowParams *params) { int gpt_retval; if (GPT_SUCCESS != (gpt_retval = GptValidityCheck(&drive->gpt))) { Error("GptValidityCheck() returned %d: %s\n", gpt_retval, GptError(gpt_retval)); return CGPT_FAILED; } if (params->partition) { // show single partition if (params->partition > GetNumberOfEntries(drive)) { Error("invalid partition number: %d\n", params->partition); return CGPT_FAILED; } uint32_t index = params->partition - 1; GptEntry *entry = GetEntry(&drive->gpt, ANY_VALID, index); char buf[256]; // scratch buffer for string conversion if (params->single_item) { switch(params->single_item) { case 'b': printf("%" PRId64 "\n", entry->starting_lba); break; case 's': { uint64_t size = 0; // If these aren't actually defined, don't show anything if (entry->ending_lba || entry->starting_lba) size = entry->ending_lba - entry->starting_lba + 1; printf("%" PRId64 "\n", size); break; } case 't': GuidToStr(&entry->type, buf, sizeof(buf)); printf("%s\n", buf); break; case 'u': GuidToStr(&entry->unique, buf, sizeof(buf)); printf("%s\n", buf); break; case 'l': UTF16ToUTF8(entry->name, sizeof(entry->name) / sizeof(entry->name[0]), (uint8_t *)buf, sizeof(buf)); printf("%s\n", buf); break; case 'S': printf("%d\n", GetSuccessful(drive, ANY_VALID, index)); break; case 'T': printf("%d\n", GetTries(drive, ANY_VALID, index)); break; case 'P': printf("%d\n", GetPriority(drive, ANY_VALID, index)); break; case 'R': printf("%d\n", GetRequired(drive, ANY_VALID, index)); break; case 'B': printf("%d\n", GetLegacyBoot(drive, ANY_VALID, index)); break; case 'A': printf("%#x\n", entry->attrs.fields.gpt_att); break; } } else { printf(TITLE_FMT, "start", "size", "part", "contents"); EntryDetails(entry, index, params->numeric); } } else if (params->quick) { // show all partitions, quickly uint32_t i; GptEntry *entry; char type[GUID_STRLEN]; for (i = 0; i < GetNumberOfEntries(drive); ++i) { entry = GetEntry(&drive->gpt, ANY_VALID, i); if (GuidIsZero(&entry->type)) continue; if (!params->numeric && CGPT_OK == ResolveType(&entry->type, type)) { } else { GuidToStr(&entry->type, type, GUID_STRLEN); } printf(PARTITION_FMT, (uint64_t)entry->starting_lba, (uint64_t)(entry->ending_lba - entry->starting_lba + 1), i+1, type); } } else { // show all partitions GptEntry *entries; if (params->debug || params->verbose) { printf("Drive details:\n"); printf(" Total Size (bytes): %" PRIu64 "\n", drive->size); printf(" LBA Size (bytes): %d\n", drive->gpt.sector_bytes); if (drive->gpt.flags & GPT_FLAG_EXTERNAL) { printf(" Drive (where GPT lives) Size (blocks): %" PRIu64 "\n", drive->gpt.gpt_drive_sectors); printf(" Drive (where partitions live) Size (blocks): %" PRIu64 "\n", drive->gpt.streaming_drive_sectors); } else { // We know gpt_drive_sectors == streaming_drive_sectors here. printf(" Drive Size (blocks): %" PRIu64 "\n", drive->gpt.gpt_drive_sectors); } printf("\n"); } if (CGPT_OK != ReadPMBR(drive)) { Error("Unable to read PMBR\n"); return CGPT_FAILED; } printf(TITLE_FMT, "start", "size", "part", "contents"); char buf[256]; // buffer for formatted PMBR content PMBRToStr(&drive->pmbr, buf, sizeof(buf)); // will exit if buf is too small printf(GPT_FMT, (uint64_t)0, (uint64_t)GPT_PMBR_SECTORS, "", buf); if (drive->gpt.ignored & MASK_PRIMARY) { printf(GPT_FMT, (uint64_t)GPT_PMBR_SECTORS, (uint64_t)GPT_HEADER_SECTORS, "IGNORED", "Pri GPT header"); } else { if (drive->gpt.valid_headers & MASK_PRIMARY) { printf(GPT_FMT, (uint64_t)GPT_PMBR_SECTORS, (uint64_t)GPT_HEADER_SECTORS, "", "Pri GPT header"); } else { printf(GPT_FMT, (uint64_t)GPT_PMBR_SECTORS, (uint64_t)GPT_HEADER_SECTORS, "INVALID", "Pri GPT header"); } if (params->debug || ((drive->gpt.valid_headers & MASK_PRIMARY) && params->verbose)) { GptHeader *header; char indent[64]; require(snprintf(indent, sizeof(indent), GPT_MORE) < sizeof(indent)); header = (GptHeader*)drive->gpt.primary_header; entries = (GptEntry*)drive->gpt.primary_entries; HeaderDetails(header, entries, indent, params->numeric); } GptHeader* primary_header = (GptHeader*)drive->gpt.primary_header; printf(GPT_FMT, (uint64_t)primary_header->entries_lba, (uint64_t)CalculateEntriesSectors(primary_header, drive->gpt.sector_bytes), drive->gpt.valid_entries & MASK_PRIMARY ? "" : "INVALID", "Pri GPT table"); if (params->debug || (drive->gpt.valid_entries & MASK_PRIMARY)) EntriesDetails(drive, PRIMARY, params->numeric); } /****************************** Secondary *************************/ if (drive->gpt.ignored & MASK_SECONDARY) { printf(GPT_FMT, (uint64_t)(drive->gpt.gpt_drive_sectors - GPT_HEADER_SECTORS), (uint64_t)GPT_HEADER_SECTORS, "IGNORED", "Sec GPT header"); } else { GptHeader* secondary_header = (GptHeader*)drive->gpt.secondary_header; printf(GPT_FMT, (uint64_t)secondary_header->entries_lba, (uint64_t)CalculateEntriesSectors(secondary_header, drive->gpt.sector_bytes), drive->gpt.valid_entries & MASK_SECONDARY ? "" : "INVALID", "Sec GPT table"); /* We show secondary table details if any of following is true. * 1. in debug mode. * 2. primary table is being ignored * 3. only secondary is valid. * 4. secondary is not identical to primary. */ if (params->debug || (drive->gpt.ignored & MASK_PRIMARY) || ((drive->gpt.valid_entries & MASK_SECONDARY) && (!(drive->gpt.valid_entries & MASK_PRIMARY) || memcmp(drive->gpt.primary_entries, drive->gpt.secondary_entries, secondary_header->number_of_entries * secondary_header->size_of_entry)))) { EntriesDetails(drive, SECONDARY, params->numeric); } if (drive->gpt.valid_headers & MASK_SECONDARY) { printf(GPT_FMT, (uint64_t)(drive->gpt.gpt_drive_sectors - GPT_HEADER_SECTORS), (uint64_t)GPT_HEADER_SECTORS, "", "Sec GPT header"); } else { printf(GPT_FMT, (uint64_t)GPT_PMBR_SECTORS, (uint64_t)GPT_HEADER_SECTORS, "INVALID", "Sec GPT header"); } /* We show secondary header if any of following is true: * 1. in debug mode. * 2. primary table is being ignored * 3. only secondary is valid. * 4. secondary is not synonymous to primary and not ignored. */ if (params->debug || (drive->gpt.ignored & MASK_PRIMARY) || ((drive->gpt.valid_headers & MASK_SECONDARY) && (!(drive->gpt.valid_headers & MASK_PRIMARY) || !IsSynonymous((GptHeader*)drive->gpt.primary_header, (GptHeader*)drive->gpt.secondary_header)) && params->verbose)) { GptHeader *header; char indent[64]; require(snprintf(indent, sizeof(indent), GPT_MORE) < sizeof(indent)); header = (GptHeader*)drive->gpt.secondary_header; entries = (GptEntry*)drive->gpt.secondary_entries; HeaderDetails(header, entries, indent, params->numeric); } } } CheckValid(drive); return CGPT_OK; } int CgptShow(CgptShowParams *params) { struct drive drive; if (params == NULL) return CGPT_FAILED; if (CGPT_OK != DriveOpen(params->drive_name, &drive, O_RDONLY, params->drive_size)) return CGPT_FAILED; int ret = GptShow(&drive, params); DriveClose(&drive, 0); return ret; }