/** @file Implementation of HII utility library. Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
(C) Copyright 2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "HiiInternal.h" /** Initialize the internal data structure of a FormSet. @param Handle PackageList Handle @param FormSetGuid On input, GUID or class GUID of a formset. If not specified (NULL or zero GUID), take the first FormSet with class GUID EFI_HII_PLATFORM_SETUP_FORMSET_GUID found in package list. On output, GUID of the formset found(if not NULL). @param FormSet FormSet data structure. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The specified FormSet could not be found. **/ EFI_STATUS CreateFormSetFromHiiHandle ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE Handle, IN OUT EFI_GUID *FormSetGuid, OUT HII_FORMSET *FormSet ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_HANDLE DriverHandle; EFI_HII_DATABASE_PROTOCOL *HiiDatabase; if ((FormSetGuid == NULL) || (FormSet == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Locate required Hii Database protocol // Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEfiHiiDatabaseProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&HiiDatabase ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Status = GetIfrBinaryData (Handle, FormSetGuid, &FormSet->IfrBinaryLength, &FormSet->IfrBinaryData); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } FormSet->Signature = HII_FORMSET_SIGNATURE; FormSet->HiiHandle = Handle; CopyMem (&FormSet->Guid, FormSetGuid, sizeof (EFI_GUID)); // // Retrieve ConfigAccess Protocol associated with this HiiPackageList // Status = HiiDatabase->GetPackageListHandle (HiiDatabase, Handle, &DriverHandle); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } FormSet->DriverHandle = DriverHandle; Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( DriverHandle, &gEfiHiiConfigAccessProtocolGuid, (VOID **)&FormSet->ConfigAccess ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Configuration Driver don't attach ConfigAccess protocol to its HII package // list, then there will be no configuration action required // FormSet->ConfigAccess = NULL; } Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( DriverHandle, &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, (VOID **)&FormSet->DevicePath ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Configuration Driver don't attach ConfigAccess protocol to its HII package // list, then there will be no configuration action required // FormSet->DevicePath = NULL; } // // Parse the IFR binary OpCodes // Status = ParseOpCodes (FormSet); return Status; } /** Initialize a Formset and get current setting for Questions. @param FormSet FormSet data structure. **/ VOID InitializeFormSet ( IN OUT HII_FORMSET *FormSet ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; HII_FORMSET_STORAGE *Storage; LIST_ENTRY *FormLink; HII_STATEMENT *Question; HII_FORM *Form; if (FormSet == NULL) { return; } // // Load Storage for all questions with storage // Link = GetFirstNode (&FormSet->StorageListHead); while (!IsNull (&FormSet->StorageListHead, Link)) { Storage = HII_STORAGE_FROM_LINK (Link); LoadFormSetStorage (FormSet, Storage); Link = GetNextNode (&FormSet->StorageListHead, Link); } // // Get Current Value for all no storage questions // FormLink = GetFirstNode (&FormSet->FormListHead); while (!IsNull (&FormSet->FormListHead, FormLink)) { Form = HII_FORM_FROM_LINK (FormLink); Link = GetFirstNode (&Form->StatementListHead); while (!IsNull (&Form->StatementListHead, Link)) { Question = HII_STATEMENT_FROM_LINK (Link); if (Question->Storage == NULL) { RetrieveQuestion (FormSet, Form, Question); } Link = GetNextNode (&Form->StatementListHead, Link); } FormLink = GetNextNode (&FormSet->FormListHead, FormLink); } } /** Free resources allocated for a FormSet. @param[in,out] FormSet Pointer of the FormSet **/ VOID DestroyFormSet ( IN OUT HII_FORMSET *FormSet ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; HII_FORMSET_STORAGE *Storage; HII_FORMSET_DEFAULTSTORE *DefaultStore; HII_FORM *Form; if (FormSet->IfrBinaryData == NULL) { // // Uninitialized FormSet // FreePool (FormSet); return; } // // Free IFR binary buffer // FreePool (FormSet->IfrBinaryData); // // Free FormSet Storage // if (FormSet->StorageListHead.ForwardLink != NULL) { while (!IsListEmpty (&FormSet->StorageListHead)) { Link = GetFirstNode (&FormSet->StorageListHead); Storage = HII_STORAGE_FROM_LINK (Link); RemoveEntryList (&Storage->Link); if (Storage != NULL) { FreePool (Storage); } } } // // Free FormSet Default Store // if (FormSet->DefaultStoreListHead.ForwardLink != NULL) { while (!IsListEmpty (&FormSet->DefaultStoreListHead)) { Link = GetFirstNode (&FormSet->DefaultStoreListHead); DefaultStore = HII_FORMSET_DEFAULTSTORE_FROM_LINK (Link); RemoveEntryList (&DefaultStore->Link); FreePool (DefaultStore); } } // // Free Forms // if (FormSet->FormListHead.ForwardLink != NULL) { while (!IsListEmpty (&FormSet->FormListHead)) { Link = GetFirstNode (&FormSet->FormListHead); Form = HII_FORM_FROM_LINK (Link); RemoveEntryList (&Form->Link); DestroyForm (FormSet, Form); } } FreePool (FormSet); } /** Submit data for a form. @param[in] FormSet FormSet which contains the Form. @param[in] Form Form to submit. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. @retval Others Other errors occur. **/ EFI_STATUS SubmitForm ( IN HII_FORMSET *FormSet, IN HII_FORM *Form ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_HII_CONFIG_ROUTING_PROTOCOL *HiiConfigRouting; LIST_ENTRY *Link; EFI_STRING ConfigResp; EFI_STRING Progress; HII_FORMSET_STORAGE *Storage; HII_FORM_CONFIG_REQUEST *ConfigInfo; if ((FormSet == NULL) || (Form == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Status = NoSubmitCheck (FormSet, &Form, NULL); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Link = GetFirstNode (&Form->ConfigRequestHead); while (!IsNull (&Form->ConfigRequestHead, Link)) { ConfigInfo = HII_FORM_CONFIG_REQUEST_FROM_LINK (Link); Link = GetNextNode (&Form->ConfigRequestHead, Link); Storage = ConfigInfo->Storage; if (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE) { continue; } // // Skip if there is no RequestElement // if (ConfigInfo->ElementCount == 0) { continue; } Status = StorageToConfigResp (ConfigInfo->Storage, &ConfigResp, ConfigInfo->ConfigRequest); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEfiHiiConfigRoutingProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&HiiConfigRouting ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Status = HiiConfigRouting->RouteConfig ( HiiConfigRouting, ConfigResp, &Progress ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (ConfigResp); continue; } FreePool (ConfigResp); } return Status; } /** Save Question Value to the memory, but not to storage. @param[in] FormSet FormSet data structure. @param[in] Form Form data structure. @param[in,out] Question Pointer to the Question. @param[in] QuestionValue New Question Value to be set. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The question value has been set successfully. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more parameters are invalid. **/ EFI_STATUS SetQuestionValue ( IN HII_FORMSET *FormSet, IN HII_FORM *Form, IN OUT HII_STATEMENT *Question, IN HII_STATEMENT_VALUE *QuestionValue ) { UINT8 *Src; UINTN BufferLen; UINTN StorageWidth; HII_FORMSET_STORAGE *Storage; CHAR16 *ValueStr; BOOLEAN IsBufferStorage; UINT8 *TemBuffer; CHAR16 *TemName; CHAR16 *TemString; UINTN Index; HII_NAME_VALUE_NODE *Node; EFI_STATUS Status; if ((FormSet == NULL) || (Form == NULL) || (Question == NULL) || (QuestionValue == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Status = EFI_SUCCESS; Node = NULL; // // If Question value is provided by an Expression, then it is read only // if ((Question->ValueExpression != NULL) || (Question->Value.Type != QuestionValue->Type)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Before set question value, evaluate its write expression. // if ((Question->WriteExpression != NULL) && (Form->FormType == STANDARD_MAP_FORM_TYPE)) { Status = EvaluateHiiExpression (FormSet, Form, Question->WriteExpression); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } Storage = Question->Storage; if (Storage != NULL) { StorageWidth = Question->StorageWidth; if (Question->Value.Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_BUFFER) { Question->Value.BufferLen = QuestionValue->BufferLen; Question->Value.Buffer = AllocateCopyPool (QuestionValue->BufferLen, QuestionValue->Buffer); if (Question->Value.Buffer == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Question->Value.BufferValueType = QuestionValue->BufferValueType; Src = Question->Value.Buffer; } else if (Question->Value.Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_STRING) { Question->Value.Value.string = QuestionValue->Value.string; TemString = HiiGetString (FormSet->HiiHandle, QuestionValue->Value.string, NULL); if (TemString == NULL) { return EFI_ABORTED; } Question->Value.BufferLen = Question->StorageWidth; Question->Value.Buffer = AllocateZeroPool (Question->StorageWidth); if (Question->Value.Buffer == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } CopyMem (Question->Value.Buffer, TemString, StrSize (TemString)); Src = Question->Value.Buffer; } else { CopyMem (&Question->Value.Value, &QuestionValue->Value, sizeof (EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE)); Src = (UINT8 *)&Question->Value.Value; } if ((Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_BUFFER) || (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE_BUFFER)) { IsBufferStorage = TRUE; } else { IsBufferStorage = FALSE; } if (IsBufferStorage) { // // If the Question refer to bit filed, copy the value in related bit filed to storage edit buffer. // if (Question->QuestionReferToBitField) { SetBitsQuestionValue (Question, Storage->Buffer + Question->VarStoreInfo.VarOffset, (UINT32)(*Src)); } else { CopyMem (Storage->Buffer + Question->VarStoreInfo.VarOffset, Src, StorageWidth); } } else { if (Question->Value.Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_STRING) { // // Allocate enough string buffer. // ValueStr = NULL; BufferLen = ((StrLen ((CHAR16 *)Src) * 4) + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16); ValueStr = AllocatePool (BufferLen); if (ValueStr == NULL) { if (Question->Value.Buffer != NULL) { FreePool (Question->Value.Buffer); } return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // Convert Unicode String to Config String, e.g. "ABCD" => "0041004200430044" // TemName = (CHAR16 *)Src; TemString = ValueStr; for ( ; *TemName != L'\0'; TemName++) { UnicodeValueToStringS ( TemString, BufferLen - ((UINTN)TemString - (UINTN)ValueStr), PREFIX_ZERO | RADIX_HEX, *TemName, 4 ); TemString += StrnLenS (TemString, (BufferLen - ((UINTN)TemString - (UINTN)ValueStr)) / sizeof (CHAR16)); } } else { BufferLen = StorageWidth * 2 + 1; ValueStr = AllocateZeroPool (BufferLen * sizeof (CHAR16)); if (ValueStr == NULL) { if (Question->Value.Buffer != NULL) { FreePool (Question->Value.Buffer); } return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // Convert Buffer to Hex String // TemBuffer = Src + StorageWidth - 1; TemString = ValueStr; for (Index = 0; Index < StorageWidth; Index++, TemBuffer--) { UnicodeValueToStringS ( TemString, BufferLen * sizeof (CHAR16) - ((UINTN)TemString - (UINTN)ValueStr), PREFIX_ZERO | RADIX_HEX, *TemBuffer, 2 ); TemString += StrnLenS (TemString, BufferLen - ((UINTN)TemString - (UINTN)ValueStr) / sizeof (CHAR16)); } } Status = SetValueByName (Storage, Question->VariableName, ValueStr, &Node); FreePool (ValueStr); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { if (Question->Value.Buffer != NULL) { FreePool (Question->Value.Buffer); } return Status; } } } else { if (Question->Value.Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_BUFFER) { Question->Value.BufferLen = QuestionValue->BufferLen; Question->Value.Buffer = AllocateCopyPool (QuestionValue->BufferLen, QuestionValue->Buffer); if (Question->Value.Buffer == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Question->Value.BufferValueType = QuestionValue->BufferValueType; } else if (Question->Value.Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_STRING) { Question->Value.Value.string = QuestionValue->Value.string; TemString = HiiGetString (FormSet->HiiHandle, QuestionValue->Value.string, NULL); if (TemString == NULL) { return EFI_ABORTED; } Question->Value.BufferLen = (UINT16)StrSize (TemString); Question->Value.Buffer = AllocateZeroPool (QuestionValue->BufferLen); if (Question->Value.Buffer == NULL) { FreePool (TemString); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } CopyMem (Question->Value.Buffer, TemString, StrSize (TemString)); FreePool (TemString); } else { CopyMem (&Question->Value.Value, &QuestionValue->Value, sizeof (EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE)); } } return Status; } /** Get Question's current Value from storage. @param[in] FormSet FormSet data structure. @param[in] Form Form data structure. @param[in,out] Question Question to be initialized. @return the current Question Value in storage if success. @return NULL if Question is not found or any error occurs. **/ HII_STATEMENT_VALUE * RetrieveQuestion ( IN HII_FORMSET *FormSet, IN HII_FORM *Form, IN OUT HII_STATEMENT *Question ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_HII_CONFIG_ROUTING_PROTOCOL *HiiConfigRouting; EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST ActionRequest; HII_FORMSET_STORAGE *Storage; HII_STATEMENT_VALUE *QuestionValue; EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE *TypeValue; EFI_TIME EfiTime; BOOLEAN Enabled; BOOLEAN Pending; UINT8 *Dst; UINTN StorageWidth; CHAR16 *ConfigRequest; CHAR16 *Progress; CHAR16 *Result; CHAR16 *ValueStr; UINTN Length; BOOLEAN IsBufferStorage; CHAR16 *NewHiiString; if ((FormSet == NULL) || (Form == NULL) || (Question == NULL)) { return NULL; } Status = EFI_SUCCESS; ValueStr = NULL; Result = NULL; QuestionValue = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (HII_STATEMENT_VALUE)); if (QuestionValue == NULL) { return NULL; } QuestionValue->Type = Question->Value.Type; QuestionValue->BufferLen = Question->Value.BufferLen; if (QuestionValue->BufferLen != 0) { QuestionValue->Buffer = AllocateZeroPool (QuestionValue->BufferLen); if (QuestionValue->Buffer == NULL) { FreePool (QuestionValue); return NULL; } } // // Question value is provided by RTC // Storage = Question->Storage; StorageWidth = Question->StorageWidth; if (Storage == NULL) { // // It's a Question without storage, or RTC date/time // if ((Question->Operand == EFI_IFR_DATE_OP) || (Question->Operand == EFI_IFR_TIME_OP)) { // // Date and time define the same Flags bit // switch (Question->ExtraData.Flags & EFI_QF_DATE_STORAGE) { case QF_DATE_STORAGE_TIME: Status = gRT->GetTime (&EfiTime, NULL); break; case QF_DATE_STORAGE_WAKEUP: Status = gRT->GetWakeupTime (&Enabled, &Pending, &EfiTime); break; case QF_DATE_STORAGE_NORMAL: default: goto ON_ERROR; } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { if (Question->Operand == EFI_IFR_DATE_OP) { QuestionValue->Value.date.Year = 0xff; QuestionValue->Value.date.Month = 0xff; QuestionValue->Value.date.Day = 0xff; } else { QuestionValue->Value.time.Hour = 0xff; QuestionValue->Value.time.Minute = 0xff; QuestionValue->Value.time.Second = 0xff; } return QuestionValue; } if (Question->Operand == EFI_IFR_DATE_OP) { QuestionValue->Value.date.Year = EfiTime.Year; QuestionValue->Value.date.Month = EfiTime.Month; QuestionValue->Value.date.Day = EfiTime.Day; } else { QuestionValue->Value.time.Hour = EfiTime.Hour; QuestionValue->Value.time.Minute = EfiTime.Minute; QuestionValue->Value.time.Second = EfiTime.Second; } } else { if (((Question->QuestionFlags & EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK) != EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK) || (FormSet->ConfigAccess == NULL)) { goto ON_ERROR; } if (QuestionValue->Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_BUFFER) { // // For OrderedList, passing in the value buffer to Callback() // TypeValue = (EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE *)QuestionValue->Buffer; } else { TypeValue = &QuestionValue->Value; } ActionRequest = EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_REQUEST_NONE; Status = FormSet->ConfigAccess->Callback ( FormSet->ConfigAccess, EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_RETRIEVE, Question->QuestionId, QuestionValue->Type, TypeValue, &ActionRequest ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && (QuestionValue->Type == EFI_IFR_TYPE_STRING)) { if (TypeValue->string == 0) { goto ON_ERROR; } NewHiiString = GetTokenString (TypeValue->string, FormSet->HiiHandle); if (NewHiiString == NULL) { goto ON_ERROR; } QuestionValue->Buffer = AllocatePool (StrSize (NewHiiString)); if (QuestionValue->Buffer == NULL) { FreePool (NewHiiString); goto ON_ERROR; } CopyMem (QuestionValue->Buffer, NewHiiString, StrSize (NewHiiString)); QuestionValue->BufferLen = (UINT16)StrSize (NewHiiString); FreePool (NewHiiString); } } return QuestionValue; } // // Question value is provided by EFI variable // if (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE) { if ((QuestionValue->Type != EFI_IFR_TYPE_BUFFER) && (QuestionValue->Type != EFI_IFR_TYPE_STRING)) { Dst = QuestionValue->Buffer; StorageWidth = QuestionValue->BufferLen; } else { Dst = (UINT8 *)&QuestionValue->Value; StorageWidth = sizeof (EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE); } Status = gRT->GetVariable ( Question->VariableName, &Storage->Guid, NULL, &StorageWidth, Dst ); return QuestionValue; } Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEfiHiiConfigRoutingProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&HiiConfigRouting ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_ERROR; } if (QuestionValue->BufferLen != 0) { Dst = QuestionValue->Buffer; } else { Dst = (UINT8 *)&QuestionValue->Value; } if ((Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_BUFFER) || (Storage->Type == EFI_HII_VARSTORE_EFI_VARIABLE_BUFFER)) { IsBufferStorage = TRUE; } else { IsBufferStorage = FALSE; } Storage = GetFstStgFromVarId (FormSet, Question->VarStoreId); if (Storage == NULL) { goto ON_ERROR; } // // ::= + || + "&" + // if (IsBufferStorage) { Length = StrLen (Storage->ConfigHdr); Length += StrLen (Question->BlockName); } else { Length = StrLen (Storage->ConfigHdr); Length += StrLen (Question->VariableName) + 1; } ConfigRequest = AllocatePool ((Length + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16)); if (ConfigRequest == NULL) { goto ON_ERROR; } StrCpyS (ConfigRequest, Length + 1, Storage->ConfigHdr); if (IsBufferStorage) { StrCatS (ConfigRequest, Length + 1, Question->BlockName); } else { StrCatS (ConfigRequest, Length + 1, L"&"); StrCatS (ConfigRequest, Length + 1, Question->VariableName); } // // Request current settings from Configuration Driver // Status = HiiConfigRouting->ExtractConfig ( HiiConfigRouting, ConfigRequest, &Progress, &Result ); FreePool (ConfigRequest); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_ERROR; } if (IsBufferStorage) { ValueStr = StrStr (Result, L"&VALUE"); if (ValueStr == NULL) { FreePool (Result); goto ON_ERROR; } ValueStr = ValueStr + 6; } else { ValueStr = Result + Length; } if (*ValueStr != '=') { FreePool (Result); goto ON_ERROR; } ValueStr++; Status = BufferToQuestionValue (Question, ValueStr, QuestionValue); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (Result); goto ON_ERROR; } if (Result != NULL) { FreePool (Result); } return QuestionValue; ON_ERROR: if (QuestionValue->Buffer != NULL) { FreePool (QuestionValue->Buffer); } FreePool (QuestionValue); return NULL; }