/* Copyright (c) 2009-2020 Roger Light All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution. The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. Contributors: Roger Light - initial implementation and documentation. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #else #include #include #define snprintf sprintf_s #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ # include #endif #include #include "client_shared.h" extern struct mosq_config cfg; static int get_time(struct tm **ti, long *ns) { #ifdef WIN32 SYSTEMTIME st; #elif defined(__APPLE__) struct timeval tv; #else struct timespec ts; #endif time_t s; #ifdef WIN32 s = time(NULL); GetLocalTime(&st); *ns = st.wMilliseconds*1000000L; #elif defined(__APPLE__) gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); s = tv.tv_sec; *ns = tv.tv_usec*1000; #else if(clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts) != 0){ err_printf(&cfg, "Error obtaining system time.\n"); return 1; } s = ts.tv_sec; *ns = ts.tv_nsec; #endif *ti = localtime(&s); if(!(*ti)){ err_printf(&cfg, "Error obtaining system time.\n"); return 1; } return 0; } static void write_payload(const unsigned char *payload, int payloadlen, int hex) { int i; if(hex == 0){ (void)fwrite(payload, 1, payloadlen, stdout); }else if(hex == 1){ for(i=0; i=0 && payload[i] < 32)){ printf("\\u%04x", payload[i]); }else{ fputc(payload[i], stdout); } } } static void json_print(const struct mosquitto_message *message, const struct tm *ti, bool escaped) { char buf[100]; strftime(buf, 100, "%s", ti); printf("{\"tst\":%s,\"topic\":\"%s\",\"qos\":%d,\"retain\":%d,\"payloadlen\":%d,", buf, message->topic, message->qos, message->retain, message->payloadlen); if(message->qos > 0){ printf("\"mid\":%d,", message->mid); } if(escaped){ fputs("\"payload\":\"", stdout); write_json_payload(message->payload, message->payloadlen); fputs("\"}", stdout); }else{ fputs("\"payload\":", stdout); write_payload(message->payload, message->payloadlen, 0); fputs("}", stdout); } } static void formatted_print(const struct mosq_config *lcfg, const struct mosquitto_message *message) { int len; int i; struct tm *ti = NULL; long ns; char strf[3]; char buf[100]; len = strlen(lcfg->format); for(i=0; iformat[i] == '%'){ if(i < len-1){ i++; switch(lcfg->format[i]){ case '%': fputc('%', stdout); break; case 'I': if(!ti){ if(get_time(&ti, &ns)){ err_printf(lcfg, "Error obtaining system time.\n"); return; } } if(strftime(buf, 100, "%FT%T%z", ti) != 0){ fputs(buf, stdout); } break; case 'j': if(!ti){ if(get_time(&ti, &ns)){ err_printf(lcfg, "Error obtaining system time.\n"); return; } } json_print(message, ti, true); break; case 'J': if(!ti){ if(get_time(&ti, &ns)){ err_printf(lcfg, "Error obtaining system time.\n"); return; } } json_print(message, ti, false); break; case 'l': printf("%d", message->payloadlen); break; case 'm': printf("%d", message->mid); break; case 'p': write_payload(message->payload, message->payloadlen, 0); break; case 'q': fputc(message->qos + 48, stdout); break; case 'r': if(message->retain){ fputc('1', stdout); }else{ fputc('0', stdout); } break; case 't': fputs(message->topic, stdout); break; case 'U': if(!ti){ if(get_time(&ti, &ns)){ err_printf(lcfg, "Error obtaining system time.\n"); return; } } if(strftime(buf, 100, "%s", ti) != 0){ printf("%s.%09ld", buf, ns); } break; case 'x': write_payload(message->payload, message->payloadlen, 1); break; case 'X': write_payload(message->payload, message->payloadlen, 2); break; } } }else if(lcfg->format[i] == '@'){ if(i < len-1){ i++; if(lcfg->format[i] == '@'){ fputc('@', stdout); }else{ if(!ti){ if(get_time(&ti, &ns)){ err_printf(lcfg, "Error obtaining system time.\n"); return; } } strf[0] = '%'; strf[1] = lcfg->format[i]; strf[2] = 0; if(lcfg->format[i] == 'N'){ printf("%09ld", ns); }else{ if(strftime(buf, 100, strf, ti) != 0){ fputs(buf, stdout); } } } } }else if(lcfg->format[i] == '\\'){ if(i < len-1){ i++; switch(lcfg->format[i]){ case '\\': fputc('\\', stdout); break; case '0': fputc('\0', stdout); break; case 'a': fputc('\a', stdout); break; case 'e': fputc('\033', stdout); break; case 'n': fputc('\n', stdout); break; case 'r': fputc('\r', stdout); break; case 't': fputc('\t', stdout); break; case 'v': fputc('\v', stdout); break; } } }else{ fputc(lcfg->format[i], stdout); } } if(lcfg->eol){ fputc('\n', stdout); } fflush(stdout); } void print_message(struct mosq_config *cfg, const struct mosquitto_message *message) { if(cfg->format){ formatted_print(cfg, message); }else if(cfg->verbose){ if(message->payloadlen){ printf("%s ", message->topic); write_payload(message->payload, message->payloadlen, false); if(cfg->eol){ printf("\n"); } }else{ if(cfg->eol){ printf("%s (null)\n", message->topic); } } fflush(stdout); }else{ if(message->payloadlen){ write_payload(message->payload, message->payloadlen, false); if(cfg->eol){ printf("\n"); } fflush(stdout); } } }