// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. #include #include #include "azure_c_shared_utility/gballoc.h" #include "umock_c/umock_c_prod.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/urlencode.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/strings.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/buffer_.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/xlogging.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/crt_abstractions.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/socketio.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/azure_base64.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/shared_util_options.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/safe_math.h" #include "azure_uhttp_c/uhttp.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/envvariable.h" #include "parson.h" static const char* HSM_HTTP_EDGE_VERSION = "2018-06-28"; static const char* HTTP_HEADER_KEY_CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type"; static const char* HTTP_HEADER_VAL_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; static const char* HSM_EDGE_SIGN_JSON_KEY_ID = "keyId"; static const char* HSM_EDGE_SIGN_JSON_KEY_ID_VALUE = "primary"; static const char* HSM_EDGE_SIGN_JSON_ALGORITHM = "algo"; static const char* HSM_EDGE_SIGN_JSON_ALGORITHM_VALUE = "HMACSHA256"; static const char* HSM_EDGE_SIGN_JSON_DATA = "data"; static const char* HSM_EDGE_SIGN_JSON_DIGEST = "digest"; static const char* HSM_EDGE_TRUSTED_CERTIFICATE_JSON_CERTIFICATE = "certificate"; static const int HSM_HTTP_EDGE_MAXIMUM_REQUEST_TIME = 60; // 1 Minute #include "hsm_client_http_edge.h" typedef enum WORKLOAD_PROTOCOL_TYPE_TAG { WORKLOAD_PROTOCOL_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, WORKLOAD_PROTOCOL_TYPE_HTTP, WORKLOAD_PROTOCOL_TYPE_UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKET } WORKLOAD_PROTOCOL_TYPE; static const char* ENVIRONMENT_VAR_WORKLOADURI = "IOTEDGE_WORKLOADURI"; static const char* ENVIRONMENT_VAR_MODULE_GENERATION_ID = "IOTEDGE_MODULEGENERATIONID"; static const char* ENVIRONMENT_VAR_EDGEMODULEID = "IOTEDGE_MODULEID"; typedef struct HSM_CLIENT_HTTP_EDGE { WORKLOAD_PROTOCOL_TYPE workload_protocol_type; char* workload_hostname; int workload_portnumber; char* edge_module_generation_id; char* module_id; } HSM_CLIENT_HTTP_EDGE; static const char http_prefix[] = "http://"; static const int http_prefix_len = sizeof(http_prefix) - 1; static const char unix_domain_sockets_prefix[] = "unix://"; static const int unix_domain_sockets_prefix_len = sizeof(unix_domain_sockets_prefix) - 1; static HSM_CLIENT_HTTP_EDGE_INTERFACE http_edge_interface = { hsm_client_http_edge_create, hsm_client_http_edge_destroy, hsm_client_http_edge_sign_data, hsm_client_http_edge_get_trust_bundle }; static WORKLOAD_PROTOCOL_TYPE get_workload_protocol_type(const char* workload_uri) { WORKLOAD_PROTOCOL_TYPE workload_protocol_type; if (strncmp(workload_uri, http_prefix, http_prefix_len) == 0) { workload_protocol_type = WORKLOAD_PROTOCOL_TYPE_HTTP; } else if (strncmp(workload_uri, unix_domain_sockets_prefix, unix_domain_sockets_prefix_len) == 0) { workload_protocol_type = WORKLOAD_PROTOCOL_TYPE_UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKET; } else { LogError("WorkloadUri is set to %s, which is invalid", workload_uri); workload_protocol_type = WORKLOAD_PROTOCOL_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED; } return workload_protocol_type; } // This is the string we use to connect to the edge device itself. An example will be // Note NOT "https" as that would require us to trust the edgelet's // server certificate, which we can't because we're still bootstrapping. static int read_and_parse_edge_uri(HSM_CLIENT_HTTP_EDGE* hsm_client_http_edge) { const char* workload_uri; const char* colon_begin; int result = 0; if ((workload_uri = environment_get_variable(ENVIRONMENT_VAR_WORKLOADURI)) == NULL) { LogError("Environment variable %s not specified", ENVIRONMENT_VAR_WORKLOADURI); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((hsm_client_http_edge->workload_protocol_type = get_workload_protocol_type(workload_uri)) == WORKLOAD_PROTOCOL_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED) { result = MU_FAILURE; } if (result == 0) { if (hsm_client_http_edge->workload_protocol_type == WORKLOAD_PROTOCOL_TYPE_HTTP) { size_t malloc_size; if ((colon_begin = strchr(workload_uri + http_prefix_len + 1, ':')) == NULL) { LogError("WorkloadUri is set to %s, missing ':' to indicate port number", workload_uri); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((hsm_client_http_edge->workload_portnumber = atoi(colon_begin + 1)) == 0) { LogError("WorkloadUri is set to %s, port number is not legal", workload_uri); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((malloc_size = safe_subtract_size_t(colon_begin, workload_uri)) == SIZE_MAX || (hsm_client_http_edge->workload_hostname = malloc(malloc_size)) == NULL) { LogError("Failed allocating workload_hostname, size:%zu", malloc_size); hsm_client_http_edge->workload_hostname = NULL; result = MU_FAILURE; } else { const char* hostname_start = workload_uri + http_prefix_len; size_t chars_to_copy = colon_begin - workload_uri - http_prefix_len; memcpy(hsm_client_http_edge->workload_hostname, hostname_start, chars_to_copy); hsm_client_http_edge->workload_hostname[chars_to_copy] = 0; result = 0; } } else if (hsm_client_http_edge->workload_protocol_type == WORKLOAD_PROTOCOL_TYPE_UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKET) { // Make sure that there is an address set. if (workload_uri[unix_domain_sockets_prefix_len] == 0) { LogError("hostname does not have content after prefix"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&hsm_client_http_edge->workload_hostname, workload_uri + unix_domain_sockets_prefix_len) != 0) { LogError("Failed copying workload hostname"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } } } return result; } static int initialize_http_edge_device(HSM_CLIENT_HTTP_EDGE* hsm_client_http_edge) { int result; const char* edge_module_generation_id; const char* module_id; if ((edge_module_generation_id = environment_get_variable(ENVIRONMENT_VAR_MODULE_GENERATION_ID)) == NULL) { LogError("Environment variable %s not specified", ENVIRONMENT_VAR_MODULE_GENERATION_ID); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((module_id = environment_get_variable(ENVIRONMENT_VAR_EDGEMODULEID)) == NULL) { LogError("Environment variable %s not specified", ENVIRONMENT_VAR_EDGEMODULEID); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (read_and_parse_edge_uri(hsm_client_http_edge) != 0) { LogError("read_and_parse_edge_uri failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&hsm_client_http_edge->edge_module_generation_id, edge_module_generation_id) != 0) { LogError("Failed copying edge_module_generation_id"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&hsm_client_http_edge->module_id, module_id) != 0) { LogError("Failed copying module_id"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } return result; } HSM_CLIENT_HANDLE hsm_client_http_edge_create() { HSM_CLIENT_HTTP_EDGE* result; result = malloc(sizeof(HSM_CLIENT_HTTP_EDGE)); if (result == NULL) { LogError("Failure: malloc HSM_CLIENT_HTTP_EDGE."); } else { memset(result, 0, sizeof(HSM_CLIENT_HTTP_EDGE)); result->workload_protocol_type = WORKLOAD_PROTOCOL_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED; if (initialize_http_edge_device(result) != 0) { LogError("Failure initializing http edge device."); hsm_client_http_edge_destroy((HSM_CLIENT_HANDLE)result); result = NULL; } } return (HSM_CLIENT_HANDLE)result; } void hsm_client_http_edge_destroy(HSM_CLIENT_HANDLE handle) { if (handle != NULL) { HSM_CLIENT_HTTP_EDGE* hsm_client_http_edge = (HSM_CLIENT_HTTP_EDGE*)handle; free(hsm_client_http_edge->workload_hostname); free(hsm_client_http_edge->edge_module_generation_id); free(hsm_client_http_edge->module_id); free(hsm_client_http_edge); } } int hsm_client_http_edge_init(void) { return 0; } void hsm_client_http_edge_deinit(void) { } const HSM_CLIENT_HTTP_EDGE_INTERFACE* hsm_client_http_edge_interface() { return &http_edge_interface; } static BUFFER_HANDLE construct_json_signing_blob(const char* data) { JSON_Value* root_value = NULL; JSON_Object* root_object = NULL; BUFFER_HANDLE result = NULL; char* serialized_string = NULL; STRING_HANDLE data_string = NULL; STRING_HANDLE data_url_encoded = NULL; STRING_HANDLE data_base64_encoded = NULL; // The caller passes us the data in the form "\n". We need to // URL encode the tokenScope for HTTP transmission, but not the \n, so build up string appropriately. const char* carriage_return_in_data = strchr(data, '\n'); if ((carriage_return_in_data == NULL) || (*(carriage_return_in_data+1) == 0)) { LogError("No carriage return in data %s", data); result = NULL; } else if ((data_string = STRING_construct_n(data, carriage_return_in_data - data)) == NULL) { LogError("creating data string failed"); result = NULL; } else if ((data_url_encoded = URL_Encode(data_string)) == NULL) { LogError("url encoding of string %s failed", data); result = NULL; } else if ((STRING_concat(data_url_encoded, carriage_return_in_data)) != 0) { LogError("STRING_concat failed"); result = NULL; } else if ((data_base64_encoded = Azure_Base64_Encode_Bytes((const unsigned char*)STRING_c_str(data_url_encoded), strlen(STRING_c_str(data_url_encoded)))) == NULL) { LogError("base64 encoding of string %s failed", STRING_c_str(data_url_encoded)); result = NULL; } else if ((root_value = json_value_init_object()) == NULL) { LogError("json_value_init_object failed"); result = NULL; } else if ((root_object = json_value_get_object(root_value)) == NULL) { LogError("json_value_get_object failed"); result = NULL; } else if ((json_object_set_string(root_object, HSM_EDGE_SIGN_JSON_KEY_ID, HSM_EDGE_SIGN_JSON_KEY_ID_VALUE)) != JSONSuccess) { LogError("json_object_set_string failed for keyId"); result = NULL; } else if ((json_object_set_string(root_object, HSM_EDGE_SIGN_JSON_ALGORITHM, HSM_EDGE_SIGN_JSON_ALGORITHM_VALUE)) != JSONSuccess) { LogError("json_object_set_string failed for algorithm"); result = NULL; } else if ((json_object_set_string(root_object, HSM_EDGE_SIGN_JSON_DATA, STRING_c_str(data_base64_encoded))) != JSONSuccess) { LogError("json_object_set_string failed for data"); result = NULL; } else if ((serialized_string = json_serialize_to_string(root_value)) == NULL) { LogError("json_serialize_to_string failed"); result = NULL; } else if ((result = BUFFER_create((const unsigned char*)serialized_string, strlen(serialized_string) + 1)) == NULL) { LogError("Buffer_Create failed"); result = NULL; } json_free_serialized_string(serialized_string); json_object_clear(root_object); json_value_free(root_value); STRING_delete(data_base64_encoded); STRING_delete(data_url_encoded); STRING_delete(data_string); return result; } static void on_edge_hsm_http_error(void* callback_ctx, HTTP_CALLBACK_REASON error_result) { HSM_HTTP_WORKLOAD_CONTEXT* workload_context = (HSM_HTTP_WORKLOAD_CONTEXT*)callback_ctx; if (workload_context == NULL) { LogError("on_edge_hsm_http_error invoked with invalid context. reason=%d", error_result); } else { LogError("on_edge_hsm_http_error invoked. reason=%d", error_result); workload_context->continue_running = false; } } static void on_edge_hsm_http_recv(void* callback_ctx, HTTP_CALLBACK_REASON request_result, const unsigned char* content, size_t content_length, unsigned int status_code, HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE response_headers) { (void)response_headers; HSM_HTTP_WORKLOAD_CONTEXT* workload_context = (HSM_HTTP_WORKLOAD_CONTEXT*)callback_ctx; if (workload_context == NULL) { LogError("on_edge_hsm_http_recv invoked with invalid context"); } else { if (request_result != HTTP_CALLBACK_REASON_OK) { LogError("on_edge_hsm_http_recv request result = %d", request_result); } else if (status_code >= 300) { LogError("executing HTTP request fails, status=%d, response_buffer=%s", status_code, content ? (const char*)content : "unspecified"); } else if (content == NULL) { LogError("executing HTTP request fails, content not set"); } else if ((workload_context->http_response = BUFFER_create(content, content_length)) == NULL) { LogError("failed copying response buffer"); } else { ; // success } workload_context->continue_running = false; } } static void on_edge_hsm_http_connected(void* callback_ctx, HTTP_CALLBACK_REASON connect_result) { if (connect_result != HTTP_CALLBACK_REASON_OK) { HSM_HTTP_WORKLOAD_CONTEXT* workload_context = (HSM_HTTP_WORKLOAD_CONTEXT*)callback_ctx; if (callback_ctx == NULL) { LogError("on_http_connected reports error %d but no context", connect_result); } else { LogError("on_http_connected reports error %d", connect_result); workload_context->continue_running = false; } } } static int send_request_to_edge_workload(HTTP_CLIENT_HANDLE http_handle, HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE http_headers_handle, const char* uri_path, BUFFER_HANDLE json_to_send, HSM_HTTP_WORKLOAD_CONTEXT* workload_context) { const unsigned char* json_to_send_str = BUFFER_u_char(json_to_send); time_t start_request_time = get_time(NULL); bool timed_out = false; HTTP_CLIENT_RESULT http_client_result; size_t json_to_send_str_len; HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_TYPE http_request_type; if (json_to_send_str != NULL) { json_to_send_str_len = strlen((const char*)json_to_send_str); http_request_type = HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_POST; } else { json_to_send_str_len = 0; http_request_type = HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_GET; } if ((http_client_result = uhttp_client_execute_request(http_handle, http_request_type, uri_path, http_headers_handle, json_to_send_str, json_to_send_str_len, on_edge_hsm_http_recv, workload_context)) != HTTP_CLIENT_OK) { LogError("uhttp_client_execute_request failed, result=%d", http_client_result); } else { do { uhttp_client_dowork(http_handle); timed_out = difftime(get_time(NULL), start_request_time) > HSM_HTTP_EDGE_MAXIMUM_REQUEST_TIME; } while ((workload_context->continue_running == true) && (timed_out == false)); } return (workload_context->http_response != NULL) ? 0 : MU_FAILURE; } static BUFFER_HANDLE send_http_workload_request(HSM_CLIENT_HTTP_EDGE* hsm_client_http_edge, const char* uri_path, BUFFER_HANDLE json_to_send) { int result; HTTP_CLIENT_HANDLE http_handle = NULL; HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE http_headers_handle = NULL; HTTP_CLIENT_RESULT http_open_result; HTTP_HEADERS_RESULT http_headers_result; SOCKETIO_CONFIG config; config.accepted_socket = NULL; config.hostname = hsm_client_http_edge->workload_hostname; config.port = hsm_client_http_edge->workload_portnumber; HSM_HTTP_WORKLOAD_CONTEXT workload_context; workload_context.continue_running = true; workload_context.http_response = NULL; if ((http_handle = uhttp_client_create(socketio_get_interface_description(), &config, on_edge_hsm_http_error, &workload_context)) == NULL) { LogError("uhttp_client_create failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((hsm_client_http_edge->workload_protocol_type == WORKLOAD_PROTOCOL_TYPE_UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKET) && (uhttp_client_set_option(http_handle, OPTION_ADDRESS_TYPE, OPTION_ADDRESS_TYPE_DOMAIN_SOCKET) != HTTP_CLIENT_OK)) { LogError("setting unix domain socket option failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((http_open_result = uhttp_client_open(http_handle, hsm_client_http_edge->workload_hostname, hsm_client_http_edge->workload_portnumber, on_edge_hsm_http_connected, &workload_context)) != HTTP_CLIENT_OK) { LogError("uhttp_client_open failed, err=%d", http_open_result); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((json_to_send != NULL) && ((http_headers_handle = HTTPHeaders_Alloc()) == NULL)) { LogError("HTTPAPIEX_Create failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((json_to_send != NULL) && ((http_headers_result = HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(http_headers_handle, HTTP_HEADER_KEY_CONTENT_TYPE, HTTP_HEADER_VAL_CONTENT_TYPE)) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)) { LogError("HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair failed, error=%d", http_headers_result); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (send_request_to_edge_workload(http_handle, http_headers_handle, uri_path, json_to_send, &workload_context) != 0) { LogError("send_request_to_edge_workload failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } HTTPHeaders_Free(http_headers_handle); uhttp_client_close(http_handle, NULL, NULL); uhttp_client_destroy(http_handle); if (result != 0) { BUFFER_delete(workload_context.http_response); workload_context.http_response = NULL; } return workload_context.http_response; } static int parse_json_signing_response(BUFFER_HANDLE http_response, unsigned char** signed_value, size_t* signed_len) { int result; const char* http_response_str; JSON_Value* root_value = NULL; JSON_Object* root_object = NULL; const char* digest; if ((http_response_str = (const char*)BUFFER_u_char(http_response)) == NULL) { LogError("BUFFER_u_char reading http_response"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((root_value = json_parse_string(http_response_str)) == NULL) { LogError("json_parse_string failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((root_object = json_value_get_object(root_value)) == NULL) { LogError("json_value_get_object failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((digest = json_object_dotget_string(root_object, HSM_EDGE_SIGN_JSON_DIGEST)) == NULL) { LogError("json_value_get_object failed to get %s", HSM_EDGE_SIGN_JSON_DIGEST); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)signed_value, digest) != 0) { LogError("Allocating signed_value failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { *signed_len = strlen(digest); result = 0; } json_object_clear(root_object); json_value_free(root_value); return result; } int hsm_client_http_edge_sign_data(HSM_CLIENT_HANDLE handle, const unsigned char* data, size_t data_len, unsigned char** signed_value, size_t* signed_len) { int result; BUFFER_HANDLE json_to_send = NULL; BUFFER_HANDLE http_response = NULL; STRING_HANDLE uri_path = NULL; if (handle == NULL || data == NULL || data_len == 0 || signed_value == NULL || signed_len == NULL) { LogError("Invalid handle value specified handle: %p, data: %p, data_len: %zu, signed_value: %p, signed_len: %p", handle, data, data_len, signed_value, signed_len); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { HSM_CLIENT_HTTP_EDGE* hsm_client_http_edge = (HSM_CLIENT_HTTP_EDGE*)handle; if ((uri_path = STRING_construct_sprintf("/modules/%s/genid/%s/sign?api-version=%s", hsm_client_http_edge->module_id, hsm_client_http_edge->edge_module_generation_id, HSM_HTTP_EDGE_VERSION)) == NULL) { LogError("STRING_construct_sprintf failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((json_to_send = construct_json_signing_blob((const char*)data)) == NULL) { LogError("construct_json_signing_blob failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if ((http_response = send_http_workload_request(hsm_client_http_edge, STRING_c_str(uri_path), json_to_send)) == NULL) { LogError("send_http_workload_request failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else if (parse_json_signing_response(http_response, signed_value, signed_len) != 0) { LogError("parse_json_signing_response failed"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } } BUFFER_delete(json_to_send); BUFFER_delete(http_response); STRING_delete(uri_path); return result; } static char* parse_json_certificate_response(BUFFER_HANDLE http_response) { char* trusted_certificates; const char* trusted_certificates_from_json; const char* http_response_str; JSON_Value* root_value = NULL; JSON_Object* root_object = NULL; if ((http_response_str = (const char*)BUFFER_u_char(http_response)) == NULL) { LogError("BUFFER_u_char reading http_response"); trusted_certificates = NULL; } else if ((root_value = json_parse_string(http_response_str)) == NULL) { LogError("json_parse_string failed"); trusted_certificates = NULL; } else if ((root_object = json_value_get_object(root_value)) == NULL) { LogError("json_value_get_object failed"); trusted_certificates = NULL; } else if ((trusted_certificates_from_json = json_object_dotget_string(root_object, HSM_EDGE_TRUSTED_CERTIFICATE_JSON_CERTIFICATE)) == NULL) { LogError("json_value_get_object failed to get %s", HSM_EDGE_TRUSTED_CERTIFICATE_JSON_CERTIFICATE); trusted_certificates = NULL; } else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)&trusted_certificates, trusted_certificates_from_json) != 0) { LogError("Allocating signed_value failed"); trusted_certificates = NULL; } json_object_clear(root_object); json_value_free(root_value); return trusted_certificates; } char* hsm_client_http_edge_get_trust_bundle(HSM_CLIENT_HANDLE handle) { char* trusted_certificates; BUFFER_HANDLE http_response = NULL; STRING_HANDLE uri_path = NULL; if (handle == NULL) { LogError("Invalid handle value specified handle: %p", handle); trusted_certificates = NULL; } else { HSM_CLIENT_HTTP_EDGE* hsm_client_http_edge = (HSM_CLIENT_HTTP_EDGE*)handle; if ((uri_path = STRING_construct_sprintf("/trust-bundle?api-version=%s", HSM_HTTP_EDGE_VERSION)) == NULL) { LogError("STRING_construct_sprintf failed"); trusted_certificates = NULL; } else if ((http_response = send_http_workload_request(hsm_client_http_edge, STRING_c_str(uri_path), NULL)) == NULL) { LogError("send_http_workload_request failed"); trusted_certificates = NULL; } else if ((trusted_certificates = parse_json_certificate_response(http_response)) == NULL) { LogError("parse_json_certificate_response failed"); } } STRING_delete(uri_path); BUFFER_delete(http_response); return trusted_certificates; }