// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. #include #include #include "azure_macro_utils/macro_utils.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/gballoc.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/xlogging.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/refcount.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/constbuffer.h" #define CONSTBUFFER_TYPE_VALUES \ CONSTBUFFER_TYPE_COPIED, \ CONSTBUFFER_TYPE_MEMORY_MOVED, \ CONSTBUFFER_TYPE_WITH_CUSTOM_FREE, \ CONSTBUFFER_TYPE_FROM_OFFSET_AND_SIZE MU_DEFINE_ENUM(CONSTBUFFER_TYPE, CONSTBUFFER_TYPE_VALUES) typedef struct CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE_DATA_TAG { CONSTBUFFER alias; COUNT_TYPE count; CONSTBUFFER_TYPE buffer_type; CONSTBUFFER_CUSTOM_FREE_FUNC custom_free_func; void* custom_free_func_context; CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE originalHandle; /*where the CONSTBUFFER_TYPE_FROM_OFFSET_AND_SIZE was build from*/ } CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE_DATA; static CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE CONSTBUFFER_Create_Internal(const unsigned char* source, size_t size) { CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE result; /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_005: [The non-NULL handle returned by CONSTBUFFER_Create shall have its ref count set to "1".]*/ /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_010: [The non-NULL handle returned by CONSTBUFFER_CreateFromBuffer shall have its ref count set to "1".]*/ size_t malloc_size = sizeof(CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE_DATA) + size; if (malloc_size < size) { result = NULL; LogError("invalid size parameter"); /*return as is*/ } else { result = (CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE)calloc(1, malloc_size); } if (result == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_003: [If creating the copy fails then CONSTBUFFER_Create shall return NULL.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_008: [If copying the content fails, then CONSTBUFFER_CreateFromBuffer shall fail and return NULL.] */ LogError("unable to malloc"); /*return as is*/ } else { INIT_REF_VAR(result->count); /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_002: [Otherwise, CONSTBUFFER_Create shall create a copy of the memory area pointed to by source having size bytes.]*/ result->alias.size = size; if (size == 0) { result->alias.buffer = NULL; } else { unsigned char* temp = (unsigned char*)(result + 1); /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_004: [Otherwise CONSTBUFFER_Create shall return a non-NULL handle.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_007: [Otherwise, CONSTBUFFER_CreateFromBuffer shall copy the content of buffer.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_009: [Otherwise, CONSTBUFFER_CreateFromBuffer shall return a non-NULL handle.]*/ (void)memcpy(temp, source, size); result->alias.buffer = temp; } result->buffer_type = CONSTBUFFER_TYPE_COPIED; } return result; } IMPLEMENT_MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE, CONSTBUFFER_Create, const unsigned char*, source, size_t, size) { CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE result; /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_001: [If source is NULL and size is different than 0 then CONSTBUFFER_Create shall fail and return NULL.]*/ if ( (source == NULL) && (size != 0) ) { LogError("invalid arguments passes to CONSTBUFFER_Create"); result = NULL; } else { result = CONSTBUFFER_Create_Internal(source, size); } return result; } /*this creates a new constbuffer from an existing BUFFER_HANDLE*/ IMPLEMENT_MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE, CONSTBUFFER_CreateFromBuffer, BUFFER_HANDLE, buffer) { CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE result; /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_006: [If buffer is NULL then CONSTBUFFER_CreateFromBuffer shall fail and return NULL.]*/ if (buffer == NULL) { LogError("invalid arg passed to CONSTBUFFER_CreateFromBuffer"); result = NULL; } else { size_t length = BUFFER_length(buffer); unsigned char* rawBuffer = BUFFER_u_char(buffer); result = CONSTBUFFER_Create_Internal(rawBuffer, length); } return result; } IMPLEMENT_MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE, CONSTBUFFER_CreateWithMoveMemory, unsigned char*, source, size_t, size) { CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE result; /* Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_01_001: [ If source is NULL and size is different than 0 then CONSTBUFFER_Create shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if ((source == NULL) && (size > 0)) { LogError("Invalid arguments: unsigned char* source=%p, size_t size=%u", source, (unsigned int)size); result = NULL; } else { result = (CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE)calloc(1, sizeof(CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE_DATA)); if (result == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_01_005: [ If any error occurs, CONSTBUFFER_CreateWithMoveMemory shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("malloc failed"); } else { /* Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_01_004: [ If source is non-NULL and size is 0, the source pointer shall be owned (and freed) by the newly created instance of const buffer. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_01_002: [ CONSTBUFFER_CreateWithMoveMemory shall store the source and size and return a non-NULL handle to the newly created const buffer. ]*/ result->alias.buffer = source; result->alias.size = size; result->buffer_type = CONSTBUFFER_TYPE_MEMORY_MOVED; /* Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_01_003: [ The non-NULL handle returned by CONSTBUFFER_CreateWithMoveMemory shall have its ref count set to "1". ]*/ INIT_REF_VAR(result->count); } } return result; } IMPLEMENT_MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE, CONSTBUFFER_CreateWithCustomFree, const unsigned char*, source, size_t, size, CONSTBUFFER_CUSTOM_FREE_FUNC, customFreeFunc, void*, customFreeFuncContext) { CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE result; /* Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_01_014: [ customFreeFuncContext shall be allowed to be NULL. ]*/ if ( /* Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_01_006: [ If source is NULL and size is different than 0 then CONSTBUFFER_CreateWithCustomFree shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ ((source == NULL) && (size > 0)) || /* Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_01_013: [ If customFreeFunc is NULL, CONSTBUFFER_CreateWithCustomFree shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ (customFreeFunc == NULL) ) { LogError("Invalid arguments: unsigned char* source=%p, size_t size=%u, customFreeFunc=%p, customFreeFuncContext=%p", source, (unsigned int)size, customFreeFunc, customFreeFuncContext); result = NULL; } else { result = (CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE)calloc(1, sizeof(CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE_DATA)); if (result == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_01_011: [ If any error occurs, CONSTBUFFER_CreateWithMoveMemory shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("malloc failed"); } else { /* Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_01_007: [ If source is non-NULL and size is 0, the source pointer shall be owned (and freed) by the newly created instance of const buffer. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_01_008: [ CONSTBUFFER_CreateWithCustomFree shall store the source and size and return a non-NULL handle to the newly created const buffer. ]*/ result->alias.buffer = source; result->alias.size = size; result->buffer_type = CONSTBUFFER_TYPE_WITH_CUSTOM_FREE; /* Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_01_009: [ CONSTBUFFER_CreateWithCustomFree shall store customFreeFunc and customFreeFuncContext in order to use them to free the memory when the CONST buffer resources are freed. ]*/ result->custom_free_func = customFreeFunc; result->custom_free_func_context = customFreeFuncContext; /* Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_01_010: [ The non-NULL handle returned by CONSTBUFFER_CreateWithCustomFree shall have its ref count set to 1. ]*/ INIT_REF_VAR(result->count); } } return result; } IMPLEMENT_MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE, CONSTBUFFER_CreateFromOffsetAndSize, CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE, handle, size_t, offset, size_t, size) { CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE result; if ( /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_025: [ If handle is NULL then CONSTBUFFER_CreateFromOffsetAndSize shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ (handle == NULL) || /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_026: [ If offset is greater than or equal to handles's size then CONSTBUFFER_CreateFromOffsetAndSize shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ (offset > handle->alias.size) || /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_032: [ If there are any failures then CONSTBUFFER_CreateFromOffsetAndSize shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ (offset > SIZE_MAX - size) || /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_027: [ If offset + size exceed handles's size then CONSTBUFFER_CreateFromOffsetAndSize shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ (offset + size > handle->alias.size) ) { LogError("invalid arguments CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE handle=%p, size_t offset=%zu, size_t size=%zu", handle, offset, size); result = NULL; } else { /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_028: [ CONSTBUFFER_CreateFromOffsetAndSize shall allocate memory for a new CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE's content. ]*/ result = (CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE)calloc(1, sizeof(CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE_DATA)); if (result == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_032: [ If there are any failures then CONSTBUFFER_CreateFromOffsetAndSize shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("failure in malloc(sizeof(CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE_DATA)=%zu)", sizeof(CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE_DATA)); /*return as is*/ } else { result->buffer_type = CONSTBUFFER_TYPE_FROM_OFFSET_AND_SIZE; result->alias.buffer = handle->alias.buffer+offset; result->alias.size = size; /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_030: [ CONSTBUFFER_CreateFromOffsetAndSize shall increment the reference count of handle. ]*/ INC_REF_VAR(handle->count); result->originalHandle = handle; /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_029: [ CONSTBUFFER_CreateFromOffsetAndSize shall set the ref count of the newly created CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE to the initial value. ]*/ INIT_REF_VAR(result->count); /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_031: [ CONSTBUFFER_CreateFromOffsetAndSize shall succeed and return a non-NULL value. ]*/ } } return result; } IMPLEMENT_MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, void, CONSTBUFFER_IncRef, CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE, constbufferHandle) { if (constbufferHandle == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_013: [If constbufferHandle is NULL then CONSTBUFFER_IncRef shall return.]*/ LogError("Invalid arguments: CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE constbufferHandle=%p", constbufferHandle); } else { /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_014: [Otherwise, CONSTBUFFER_IncRef shall increment the reference count.]*/ INC_REF_VAR(constbufferHandle->count); } } IMPLEMENT_MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, const CONSTBUFFER*, CONSTBUFFER_GetContent, CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE, constbufferHandle) { const CONSTBUFFER* result; if (constbufferHandle == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_011: [If constbufferHandle is NULL then CONSTBUFFER_GetContent shall return NULL.]*/ result = NULL; LogError("invalid arg"); } else { /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_012: [Otherwise, CONSTBUFFER_GetContent shall return a const CONSTBUFFER* that matches byte by byte the original bytes used to created the const buffer and has the same length.]*/ result = &(constbufferHandle->alias); } return result; } static void CONSTBUFFER_DecRef_internal(CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE constbufferHandle) { /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_016: [Otherwise, CONSTBUFFER_DecRef shall decrement the refcount on the constbufferHandle handle.]*/ if (DEC_REF_VAR(constbufferHandle->count) == DEC_RETURN_ZERO) { if (constbufferHandle->buffer_type == CONSTBUFFER_TYPE_MEMORY_MOVED) { free((void*)constbufferHandle->alias.buffer); } else if (constbufferHandle->buffer_type == CONSTBUFFER_TYPE_WITH_CUSTOM_FREE) { /* Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_01_012: [ If the buffer was created by calling CONSTBUFFER_CreateWithCustomFree, the customFreeFunc function shall be called to free the memory, while passed customFreeFuncContext as argument. ]*/ constbufferHandle->custom_free_func(constbufferHandle->custom_free_func_context); } /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_024: [ If the constbufferHandle was created by calling CONSTBUFFER_CreateFromOffsetAndSize then CONSTBUFFER_DecRef shall decrement the ref count of the original handle passed to CONSTBUFFER_CreateFromOffsetAndSize. ]*/ else if (constbufferHandle->buffer_type == CONSTBUFFER_TYPE_FROM_OFFSET_AND_SIZE) { CONSTBUFFER_DecRef_internal(constbufferHandle->originalHandle); } /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_017: [If the refcount reaches zero, then CONSTBUFFER_DecRef shall deallocate all resources used by the CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE.]*/ free(constbufferHandle); } } IMPLEMENT_MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, void, CONSTBUFFER_DecRef, CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE, constbufferHandle) { if (constbufferHandle == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_015: [If constbufferHandle is NULL then CONSTBUFFER_DecRef shall do nothing.]*/ LogError("Invalid arguments: CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE constbufferHandle=%p", constbufferHandle); } else { CONSTBUFFER_DecRef_internal(constbufferHandle); } } IMPLEMENT_MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, bool, CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE_contain_same, CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE, left, CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE, right) { bool result; if (left == NULL) { if (right == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_018: [ If left is NULL and right is NULL then CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE_contain_same shall return true. ]*/ result = true; } else { /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_019: [ If left is NULL and right is not NULL then CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE_contain_same shall return false. ]*/ result = false; } } else { if (right == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_020: [ If left is not NULL and right is NULL then CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE_contain_same shall return false. ]*/ result = false; } else { if (left->alias.size != right->alias.size) { /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_021: [ If left's size is different than right's size then CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE_contain_same shall return false. ]*/ result = false; } else { if (memcmp(left->alias.buffer, right->alias.buffer, left->alias.size) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_022: [ If left's buffer is contains different bytes than rights's buffer then CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE_contain_same shall return false. ]*/ result = false; } else { /*Codes_SRS_CONSTBUFFER_02_023: [ CONSTBUFFER_HANDLE_contain_same shall return true. ]*/ result = true; } } } } return result; }