// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. #include #include #include #include #include #include "tlsio_appleios.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/xio.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/gballoc.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/xlogging.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/agenttime.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/singlylinkedlist.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/crt_abstractions.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/tlsio_options.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/safe_math.h" #include #include #include #include typedef struct { unsigned char* bytes; size_t size; size_t unsent_size; ON_SEND_COMPLETE on_send_complete; void* callback_context; } PENDING_TRANSMISSION; #define MAX_VALID_PORT 0xffff const char WEBSOCKET_HEADER_START[] = "GET /$iothub/websocket"; const char WEBSOCKET_HEADER_NO_CERT_PARAM[] = "?iothub-no-client-cert=true"; const size_t WEBSOCKET_HEADER_START_SIZE = sizeof(WEBSOCKET_HEADER_START) - 1; const size_t WEBSOCKET_HEADER_NO_CERT_PARAM_SIZE = sizeof(WEBSOCKET_HEADER_NO_CERT_PARAM) - 1; // The TLSIO_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE has very little effect on performance, and is kept small // to minimize memory consumption. #define TLSIO_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE 64 typedef enum TLSIO_STATE_TAG { TLSIO_STATE_CLOSED, TLSIO_STATE_OPENING_WAITING_DNS, TLSIO_STATE_OPENING_WAITING_SOCKET, TLSIO_STATE_OPENING_WAITING_SSL, TLSIO_STATE_OPEN, TLSIO_STATE_ERROR, } TLSIO_STATE; bool is_an_opening_state(TLSIO_STATE state) { return state == TLSIO_STATE_OPENING_WAITING_DNS || state == TLSIO_STATE_OPENING_WAITING_SOCKET || state == TLSIO_STATE_OPENING_WAITING_SSL; } typedef struct TLS_IO_INSTANCE_TAG { ON_BYTES_RECEIVED on_bytes_received; ON_IO_ERROR on_io_error; ON_IO_OPEN_COMPLETE on_open_complete; void* on_bytes_received_context; void* on_io_error_context; void* on_open_complete_context; TLSIO_STATE tlsio_state; CFStringRef hostname; uint16_t port; bool no_messages_yet_sent; CFReadStreamRef sockRead; CFWriteStreamRef sockWrite; SINGLYLINKEDLIST_HANDLE pending_transmission_list; TLSIO_OPTIONS options; } TLS_IO_INSTANCE; /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_005: [ The phrase "enter TLSIO_STATE_EXT_ERROR" means the adapter shall call the on_io_error function and pass the on_io_error_context that was supplied in tlsio_open_async. ]*/ static void enter_tlsio_error_state(TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance) { if (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state != TLSIO_STATE_ERROR) { tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_ERROR; tls_io_instance->on_io_error(tls_io_instance->on_io_error_context); } } /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_005: [ When the adapter enters TLSIO_STATE_EXT_ERROR it shall call the on_io_error function and pass the on_io_error_context that were supplied in tlsio_open . ]*/ static void enter_open_error_state(TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance) { // save instance variables in case the framework destroys this object before we exit ON_IO_OPEN_COMPLETE on_open_complete = tls_io_instance->on_open_complete; void* on_open_complete_context = tls_io_instance->on_open_complete_context; enter_tlsio_error_state(tls_io_instance); on_open_complete(on_open_complete_context, IO_OPEN_ERROR); } // Return true if a message was available to remove static bool process_and_destroy_head_message(TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance, IO_SEND_RESULT send_result) { bool result; LIST_ITEM_HANDLE head_pending_io; if (send_result == IO_SEND_ERROR) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_095: [ If the send process fails before sending all of the bytes in an enqueued message, the tlsio_dowork shall call the message's on_send_complete along with its associated callback_context and IO_SEND_ERROR. ]*/ enter_tlsio_error_state(tls_io_instance); } head_pending_io = singlylinkedlist_get_head_item(tls_io_instance->pending_transmission_list); if (head_pending_io != NULL) { PENDING_TRANSMISSION* head_message = (PENDING_TRANSMISSION*)singlylinkedlist_item_get_value(head_pending_io); if (singlylinkedlist_remove(tls_io_instance->pending_transmission_list, head_pending_io) != 0) { // This particular situation is a bizarre and unrecoverable internal error /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_094: [ If the send process encounters an internal error or calls on_send_complete with IO_SEND_ERROR due to either failure or timeout, it shall also call on_io_error and pass in the associated on_io_error_context. ]*/ enter_tlsio_error_state(tls_io_instance); LogError("Failed to remove message from list"); } // on_send_complete is checked for NULL during PENDING_TRANSMISSION creation /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_095: [ If the send process fails before sending all of the bytes in an enqueued message, the tlsio_dowork shall call the message's on_send_complete along with its associated callback_context and IO_SEND_ERROR. ]*/ head_message->on_send_complete(head_message->callback_context, send_result); free(head_message->bytes); free(head_message); result = true; } else { result = false; } return result; } static void internal_close(TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_009: [ The phrase "enter TLSIO_STATE_EXT_CLOSING" means the adapter shall iterate through any unsent messages in the queue and shall delete each message after calling its on_send_complete with the associated callback_context and IO_SEND_CANCELLED. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_006: [ The phrase "enter TLSIO_STATE_EXT_CLOSED" means the adapter shall forcibly close any existing connections then call the on_io_close_complete function and pass the on_io_close_complete_context that was supplied in tlsio_close_async. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_051: [ On success, if the underlying TLS does not support asynchronous closing, then the adapter shall enter TLSIO_STATE_EXT_CLOSED immediately after entering TLSIO_STATE_EX_CLOSING. ]*/ if (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state == TLSIO_STATE_OPEN) { if (tls_io_instance->sockRead != NULL) { CFReadStreamClose(tls_io_instance->sockRead); } if (tls_io_instance->sockWrite != NULL) { CFWriteStreamClose(tls_io_instance->sockWrite); } } if (tls_io_instance->sockRead != NULL) { CFRelease(tls_io_instance->sockRead); tls_io_instance->sockRead = NULL; } // If the reader is NULL then the writer should be too but let's be thorough if (tls_io_instance->sockWrite != NULL) { CFRelease(tls_io_instance->sockWrite); tls_io_instance->sockWrite = NULL; } while (process_and_destroy_head_message(tls_io_instance, IO_SEND_CANCELLED)); // singlylinkedlist_destroy gets called in the main destroy tls_io_instance->on_bytes_received = NULL; tls_io_instance->on_io_error = NULL; tls_io_instance->on_bytes_received_context = NULL; tls_io_instance->on_io_error_context = NULL; tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_CLOSED; tls_io_instance->on_open_complete = NULL; tls_io_instance->on_open_complete_context = NULL; } static void tlsio_appleios_destroy(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE tls_io) { if (tls_io == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_020: [ If tlsio_handle is NULL, tlsio_destroy shall do nothing. ]*/ LogError("NULL tlsio"); } else { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)tls_io; if (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state != TLSIO_STATE_CLOSED) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_022: [ If the adapter is in any state other than TLSIO_STATE_EX_CLOSED when tlsio_destroy is called, the adapter shall enter TLSIO_STATE_EX_CLOSING and then enter TLSIO_STATE_EX_CLOSED before completing the destroy process. ]*/ LogError("tlsio_appleios_destroy called while not in TLSIO_STATE_CLOSED."); internal_close(tls_io_instance); } /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_021: [ The tlsio_destroy shall release all allocated resources and then release tlsio_handle. ]*/ if (tls_io_instance->hostname != NULL) { CFRelease(tls_io_instance->hostname); } tlsio_options_release_resources(&tls_io_instance->options); if (tls_io_instance->pending_transmission_list != NULL) { /* Pending messages were cleared in internal_close */ singlylinkedlist_destroy(tls_io_instance->pending_transmission_list); } free(tls_io_instance); } } /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_010: [ The tlsio_create shall allocate and initialize all necessary resources and return an instance of the tlsio_appleios_compact. ]*/ static CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE tlsio_appleios_create(void* io_create_parameters) { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* result; if (io_create_parameters == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_013: [ If the io_create_parameters value is NULL, tlsio_create shall log an error and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("NULL tls_io_config"); result = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_012: [ The tlsio_create shall receive the connection configuration as a TLSIO_CONFIG* in io_create_parameters. ]*/ TLSIO_CONFIG* tls_io_config = (TLSIO_CONFIG*)io_create_parameters; if (tls_io_config->hostname == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_014: [ If the hostname member of io_create_parameters value is NULL, tlsio_create shall log an error and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("NULL tls_io_config->hostname"); result = NULL; } else { if (tls_io_config->port < 0 || tls_io_config->port > MAX_VALID_PORT) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_015: [ If the port member of io_create_parameters value is less than 0 or greater than 0xffff, tlsio_create shall log an error and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("tls_io_config->port out of range"); result = NULL; } else { result = malloc(sizeof(TLS_IO_INSTANCE)); if (result == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_011: [ If any resource allocation fails, tlsio_create shall return NULL. ]*/ LogError("malloc failed"); } else { memset(result, 0, sizeof(TLS_IO_INSTANCE)); result->port = (uint16_t)tls_io_config->port; result->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_CLOSED; result->sockRead = NULL; result->sockWrite = NULL; result->hostname = NULL; result->pending_transmission_list = NULL; tlsio_options_initialize(&result->options, TLSIO_OPTION_BIT_TRUSTED_CERTS); /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_016: [ tlsio_create shall make a copy of the hostname member of io_create_parameters to allow deletion of hostname immediately after the call. ]*/ if (NULL == (result->hostname = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, tls_io_config->hostname, kCFStringEncodingUTF8))) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_011: [ If any resource allocation fails, tlsio_create shall return NULL. ]*/ LogError("CFStringCreateWithCString failed"); tlsio_appleios_destroy(result); result = NULL; } else { // Create the message queue result->pending_transmission_list = singlylinkedlist_create(); if (result->pending_transmission_list == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_011: [ If any resource allocation fails, tlsio_create shall return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Failed singlylinkedlist_create"); tlsio_appleios_destroy(result); result = NULL; } } } } } } return (CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE)result; } static int tlsio_appleios_open_async(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE tls_io, ON_IO_OPEN_COMPLETE on_io_open_complete, void* on_io_open_complete_context, ON_BYTES_RECEIVED on_bytes_received, void* on_bytes_received_context, ON_IO_ERROR on_io_error, void* on_io_error_context) { int result; if (on_io_open_complete == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_031: [ If the on_io_open_complete parameter is NULL, tlsio_open shall log an error and return FAILURE. ]*/ LogError("Required parameter on_io_open_complete is NULL"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { if (tls_io == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_030: [ If the tlsio_handle parameter is NULL, tlsio_open shall log an error and return FAILURE. ]*/ result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("NULL tlsio"); } else { if (on_bytes_received == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_032: [ If the on_bytes_received parameter is NULL, tlsio_open shall log an error and return FAILURE. ]*/ LogError("Required parameter on_bytes_received is NULL"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { if (on_io_error == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_033: [ If the on_io_error parameter is NULL, tlsio_open shall log an error and return FAILURE. ]*/ LogError("Required parameter on_io_error is NULL"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)tls_io; if (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state != TLSIO_STATE_CLOSED) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_037: [ If the adapter is in any state other than TLSIO_STATE_EXT_CLOSED when tlsio_open is called, it shall log an error, and return FAILURE. ]*/ LogError("Invalid tlsio_state. Expected state is TLSIO_STATE_CLOSED."); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { tls_io_instance->no_messages_yet_sent = true; /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_034: [ The tlsio_open shall store the provided on_bytes_received, on_bytes_received_context, on_io_error, on_io_error_context, on_io_open_complete, and on_io_open_complete_context parameters for later use as specified and tested per other line entries in this document. ]*/ tls_io_instance->on_bytes_received = on_bytes_received; tls_io_instance->on_bytes_received_context = on_bytes_received_context; tls_io_instance->on_io_error = on_io_error; tls_io_instance->on_io_error_context = on_io_error_context; tls_io_instance->on_open_complete = on_io_open_complete; tls_io_instance->on_open_complete_context = on_io_open_complete_context; /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_035: [ On tlsio_open success the adapter shall enter TLSIO_STATE_EX_OPENING and return 0. ]*/ // All the real work happens in dowork tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_OPENING_WAITING_DNS; result = 0; } } } } /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_039: [ On failure, tlsio_open_async shall not call on_io_open_complete. ]*/ } return result; } // This implementation does not have asynchronous close, but uses the _async name for consistencty with the spec static int tlsio_appleios_close_async(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE tls_io, ON_IO_CLOSE_COMPLETE on_io_close_complete, void* callback_context) { int result; if (tls_io == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_050: [ If the tlsio_handle parameter is NULL, tlsio_appleios_close_async shall log an error and return FAILURE. ]*/ LogError("NULL tlsio"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { if (on_io_close_complete == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_055: [ If the on_io_close_complete parameter is NULL, tlsio_appleios_close_async shall log an error and return FAILURE. ]*/ LogError("NULL on_io_close_complete"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)tls_io; if (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state != TLSIO_STATE_OPEN && tls_io_instance->tlsio_state != TLSIO_STATE_ERROR) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_053: [ If the adapter is in any state other than TLSIO_STATE_EXT_OPEN or TLSIO_STATE_EXT_ERROR then tlsio_close_async shall log that tlsio_close_async has been called and then continue normally. ]*/ // LogInfo rather than LogError because this is an unusual but not erroneous situation LogInfo("tlsio_appleios_close has been called when in neither TLSIO_STATE_OPEN nor TLSIO_STATE_ERROR."); } if (is_an_opening_state(tls_io_instance->tlsio_state)) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_057: [ On success, if the adapter is in TLSIO_STATE_EXT_OPENING, it shall call on_io_open_complete with the on_io_open_complete_context supplied in tlsio_open_async and IO_OPEN_CANCELLED. This callback shall be made before changing the internal state of the adapter. ]*/ tls_io_instance->on_open_complete(tls_io_instance->on_open_complete_context, IO_OPEN_CANCELLED); } // This adapter does not support asynchronous closing /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_056: [ On success the adapter shall enter TLSIO_STATE_EX_CLOSING. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_051: [ On success, if the underlying TLS does not support asynchronous closing, then the adapter shall enter TLSIO_STATE_EX_CLOSED immediately after entering TLSIO_STATE_EX_CLOSING. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_052: [ On success tlsio_close shall return 0. ]*/ internal_close(tls_io_instance); on_io_close_complete(callback_context); result = 0; } } /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_054: [ On failure, the adapter shall not call on_io_close_complete. ]*/ return result; } static void dowork_read(TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance) { // TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE is not very important because if the message is bigger // then the framework just calls dowork repeatedly until it gets everything. So // a bigger buffer would just use memory without buying anything. // Putting this buffer in a small function also allows it to exist on the stack // rather than adding to heap fragmentation. uint8_t buffer[TLSIO_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE]; CFIndex rcv_bytes; if (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state == TLSIO_STATE_OPEN) { CFStreamStatus read_status = CFReadStreamGetStatus(tls_io_instance->sockRead); if (read_status == kCFStreamStatusAtEnd || read_status == kCFStreamStatusError) { enter_tlsio_error_state(tls_io_instance); } else { while (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state == TLSIO_STATE_OPEN && CFReadStreamHasBytesAvailable(tls_io_instance->sockRead)) { rcv_bytes = CFReadStreamRead(tls_io_instance->sockRead, buffer, (CFIndex)(sizeof(buffer))); if (rcv_bytes > 0) { // tls_io_instance->on_bytes_received was already checked for NULL // in the call to tlsio_appleios_open_async /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_100: [ As long as the TLS connection is able to provide received data, tlsio_dowork shall repeatedly read this data and call on_bytes_received with the pointer to the buffer containing the data, the number of bytes received, and the on_bytes_received_context. ]*/ tls_io_instance->on_bytes_received(tls_io_instance->on_bytes_received_context, buffer, rcv_bytes); } else if (rcv_bytes < 0) { LogError("Communications error while reading"); enter_tlsio_error_state(tls_io_instance); } /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_102: [ If the TLS connection receives no data then tlsio_dowork shall not call the on_bytes_received callback. ]*/ } } } } static void dowork_send(TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance) { LIST_ITEM_HANDLE first_pending_io = singlylinkedlist_get_head_item(tls_io_instance->pending_transmission_list); if (first_pending_io != NULL) { PENDING_TRANSMISSION* pending_message = (PENDING_TRANSMISSION*)singlylinkedlist_item_get_value(first_pending_io); uint8_t* buffer = ((uint8_t*)pending_message->bytes) + pending_message->size - pending_message->unsent_size; // Check to see if the socket will not block if (CFWriteStreamCanAcceptBytes(tls_io_instance->sockWrite)) { CFIndex write_result = CFWriteStreamWrite(tls_io_instance->sockWrite, buffer, pending_message->unsent_size); if (write_result >= 0) { pending_message->unsent_size -= write_result; if (pending_message->unsent_size == 0) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_091: [ If tlsio_appleios_compact_dowork is able to send all the bytes in an enqueued message, it shall call the messages's on_send_complete along with its associated callback_context and IO_SEND_OK. ]*/ // The whole message has been sent successfully process_and_destroy_head_message(tls_io_instance, IO_SEND_OK); } else { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_093: [ If the TLS connection was not able to send an entire enqueued message at once, subsequent calls to tlsio_dowork shall continue to send the remaining bytes. ]*/ // Repeat the send on the next pass with the rest of the message // This empty else compiles to nothing but helps readability } } else { // The write returned non-success. It may be busy, or it may be broken CFErrorRef write_error = CFWriteStreamCopyError(tls_io_instance->sockWrite); if (write_error != NULL && CFErrorGetCode(write_error) != errSSLWouldBlock) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_002: [ The phrase "destroy the failed message" means that the adapter shall remove the message from the queue and destroy it after calling the message's on_send_complete along with its associated callback_context and IO_SEND_ERROR. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_005: [ When the adapter enters TLSIO_STATE_EXT_ERROR it shall call the on_io_error function and pass the on_io_error_context that were supplied in tlsio_open . ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_095: [ If the send process fails before sending all of the bytes in an enqueued message, tlsio_dowork shall destroy the failed message and enter TLSIO_STATE_EX_ERROR. ]*/ // This is an unexpected error, and we need to bail out. Probably lost internet connection. LogInfo("Hard error from CFWriteStreamWrite: %ld", CFErrorGetCode(write_error)); process_and_destroy_head_message(tls_io_instance, IO_SEND_ERROR); CFRelease(write_error); } else { // The errSSLWouldBlock is defined as a recoverable error and should just be retried LogInfo("errSSLWouldBlock on write"); if (write_error != NULL) { CFRelease(write_error); } } } } } else { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_096: [ If there are no enqueued messages available, tlsio_appleios_compact_dowork shall do nothing. ]*/ } } static void dowork_poll_dns(TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance) { // Sockets on iOS do DNS lookup during open - just change the status tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_OPENING_WAITING_SOCKET; } static void dowork_poll_socket(TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance) { // This will pretty much only fail if we run out of memory CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost(NULL, tls_io_instance->hostname, tls_io_instance->port, &tls_io_instance->sockRead, &tls_io_instance->sockWrite); if (tls_io_instance->sockRead != NULL && tls_io_instance->sockWrite != NULL) { CFStringRef keys[1] = {kCFStreamPropertySocketSecurityLevel}; CFStringRef values[1] = {kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNegotiatedSSL}; CFDictionaryRef tls_io_dictionary = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL , (void *)keys , (void *)values , 1, NULL , NULL); if (CFReadStreamSetProperty(tls_io_instance->sockRead, kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings, tls_io_dictionary)) { tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_OPENING_WAITING_SSL; } else { LogError("Failed to set socket properties"); enter_open_error_state(tls_io_instance); } CFRelease(tls_io_dictionary); } else { LogError("Unable to create socket pair"); enter_open_error_state(tls_io_instance); } } static void dowork_poll_open_ssl(TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance) { if (CFReadStreamOpen(tls_io_instance->sockRead) && CFWriteStreamOpen(tls_io_instance->sockWrite)) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_080: [ The tlsio_dowork shall establish a TLS connection using the hostName and port provided during tlsio_open. ]*/ // Connect succeeded tls_io_instance->tlsio_state = TLSIO_STATE_OPEN; /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_007: [ The phrase "enter TLSIO_STATE_EXT_OPEN" means the adapter shall call the on_io_open_complete function and pass IO_OPEN_OK and the on_io_open_complete_context that was supplied in tlsio_open . ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_083: [ If tlsio_dowork successfully opens the TLS connection it shall enter TLSIO_STATE_EX_OPEN. ]*/ tls_io_instance->on_open_complete(tls_io_instance->on_open_complete_context, IO_OPEN_OK); } else { CFErrorRef readError = CFReadStreamCopyError(tls_io_instance->sockRead); if (readError != NULL) { CFErrorRef writeError = CFWriteStreamCopyError(tls_io_instance->sockWrite); if (writeError != NULL) { LogInfo("Error opening streams - read error=%ld;write error=%ld", CFErrorGetCode(readError), CFErrorGetCode(writeError)); CFRelease(writeError); } else { LogInfo("Error opening streams - read error=%ld", CFErrorGetCode(readError)); } CFRelease(readError); } enter_open_error_state(tls_io_instance); } } static void tlsio_appleios_dowork(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE tls_io) { if (tls_io == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_070: [ If the tlsio_handle parameter is NULL, tlsio_dowork shall do nothing except log an error. ]*/ LogError("NULL tlsio"); } else { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)tls_io; // This switch statement handles all of the state transitions during the opening process switch (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state) { case TLSIO_STATE_CLOSED: /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_075: [ If the adapter is in TLSIO_STATE_EXT_CLOSED then tlsio_dowork shall do nothing. ]*/ // Waiting to be opened, nothing to do break; case TLSIO_STATE_OPENING_WAITING_DNS: dowork_poll_dns(tls_io_instance); break; case TLSIO_STATE_OPENING_WAITING_SOCKET: dowork_poll_socket(tls_io_instance); break; case TLSIO_STATE_OPENING_WAITING_SSL: dowork_poll_open_ssl(tls_io_instance); break; case TLSIO_STATE_OPEN: dowork_read(tls_io_instance); dowork_send(tls_io_instance); break; case TLSIO_STATE_ERROR: /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_071: [ If the adapter is in TLSIO_STATE_EXT_ERROR then tlsio_dowork shall do nothing. ]*/ // There's nothing valid to do here but wait to be retried break; default: LogError("Unexpected internal tlsio state"); break; } } } static int tlsio_appleios_setoption(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE tls_io, const char* optionName, const void* value) { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)tls_io; /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_120: [ If the tlsio_handle parameter is NULL, tlsio_appleios_setoption shall do nothing except log an error and return FAILURE. ]*/ int result; if (tls_io_instance == NULL) { LogError("NULL tlsio"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_121: [ If the optionName parameter is NULL, tlsio_appleios_setoption shall do nothing except log an error and return FAILURE. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_122: [ If the value parameter is NULL, tlsio_appleios_setoption shall do nothing except log an error and return FAILURE. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_OPENSSL_COMPACT_30_520 [ The tlsio_setoption shall do nothing and return FAILURE. ]*/ TLSIO_OPTIONS_RESULT options_result = tlsio_options_set(&tls_io_instance->options, optionName, value); if (options_result != TLSIO_OPTIONS_RESULT_SUCCESS) { LogError("Failed tlsio_options_set"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { result = 0; } } return result; } static int tlsio_appleios_send_async(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE tls_io, const void* buffer, size_t size, ON_SEND_COMPLETE on_send_complete, void* callback_context) { int result; if (on_send_complete == NULL || tls_io == NULL || buffer == NULL || size == 0 || on_send_complete == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_062: [ If the on_send_complete is NULL, tlsio_appleios_compact_send shall log the error and return FAILURE. ]*/ result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("Invalid parameter specified: tls_io: %p, buffer: %p, size: %lu, on_send_complete: %p", tls_io, buffer, (unsigned long)size, on_send_complete); } else { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)tls_io; if (tls_io_instance->tlsio_state != TLSIO_STATE_OPEN) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_060: [ If the tlsio_handle parameter is NULL, tlsio_appleios_compact_send shall log an error and return FAILURE. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_065: [ If tlsio_appleios_compact_open has not been called or the opening process has not been completed, tlsio_appleios_compact_send shall log an error and return FAILURE. ]*/ result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("tlsio_appleios_send_async without a prior successful open"); } else { PENDING_TRANSMISSION* pending_transmission = (PENDING_TRANSMISSION*)malloc(sizeof(PENDING_TRANSMISSION)); if (pending_transmission == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_064: [ If the supplied message cannot be enqueued for transmission, tlsio_appleios_compact_send shall log an error and return FAILURE. ]*/ result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("malloc failed"); } else { // For AMQP and MQTT over websockets, the interaction of the IoT Hub and the // Apple TLS requires hacking the websocket upgrade header with a // "iothub-no-client-cert=true" parameter to avoid a TLS hang. bool add_no_cert_url_parameter = false; if (tls_io_instance->no_messages_yet_sent) { tls_io_instance->no_messages_yet_sent = false; if (strncmp((const char*)buffer, WEBSOCKET_HEADER_START, WEBSOCKET_HEADER_START_SIZE) == 0) { add_no_cert_url_parameter = true; size = safe_add_size_t(size, WEBSOCKET_HEADER_NO_CERT_PARAM_SIZE); } } /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_063: [ The tlsio_appleios_compact_send shall enqueue for transmission the on_send_complete, the callback_context, the size, and the contents of buffer. ]*/ if (size == SIZE_MAX || (pending_transmission->bytes = (unsigned char*)malloc(size)) == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_064: [ If the supplied message cannot be enqueued for transmission, tlsio_appleios_compact_send shall log an error and return FAILURE. ]*/ LogError("malloc failed, size:%zu", size); free(pending_transmission); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { pending_transmission->size = size; pending_transmission->unsent_size = size; pending_transmission->on_send_complete = on_send_complete; pending_transmission->callback_context = callback_context; if (add_no_cert_url_parameter) { // Insert the WEBSOCKET_HEADER_NO_CERT_PARAM after the url (void)memcpy(pending_transmission->bytes, WEBSOCKET_HEADER_START, WEBSOCKET_HEADER_START_SIZE); (void)memcpy(pending_transmission->bytes + WEBSOCKET_HEADER_START_SIZE, WEBSOCKET_HEADER_NO_CERT_PARAM, WEBSOCKET_HEADER_NO_CERT_PARAM_SIZE); (void)memcpy(pending_transmission->bytes + WEBSOCKET_HEADER_START_SIZE + WEBSOCKET_HEADER_NO_CERT_PARAM_SIZE, buffer + WEBSOCKET_HEADER_START_SIZE, size - WEBSOCKET_HEADER_START_SIZE - WEBSOCKET_HEADER_NO_CERT_PARAM_SIZE); } else { (void)memcpy(pending_transmission->bytes, buffer, size); } if (singlylinkedlist_add(tls_io_instance->pending_transmission_list, pending_transmission) == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_064: [ If the supplied message cannot be enqueued for transmission, tlsio_appleios_compact_send shall log an error and return FAILURE. ]*/ LogError("Unable to add socket to pending list."); free(pending_transmission->bytes); free(pending_transmission); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_063: [ On success, tlsio_send shall enqueue for transmission the on_send_complete , the callback_context , the size , and the contents of buffer and then return 0. ]*/ result = 0; dowork_send(tls_io_instance); } } } } /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_066: [ On failure, on_send_complete shall not be called. ]*/ } return result; } /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_APPLEIOS_COMPACT_30_560: [ The tlsio_retrieveoptions shall do nothing and return NULL. ]*/ static OPTIONHANDLER_HANDLE tlsio_appleios_retrieveoptions(CONCRETE_IO_HANDLE tls_io) { TLS_IO_INSTANCE* tls_io_instance = (TLS_IO_INSTANCE*)tls_io; /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_160: [ If the tlsio_handle parameter is NULL, tlsio_appleios_retrieveoptions shall do nothing except log an error and return FAILURE. ]*/ OPTIONHANDLER_HANDLE result; if (tls_io_instance == NULL) { LogError("NULL tlsio"); result = NULL; } else { result = tlsio_options_retrieve_options(&tls_io_instance->options, tlsio_appleios_setoption); } return result; } /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_008: [ The tlsio_get_interface_description shall return the VTable IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION. ]*/ static const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION tlsio_appleios_interface_description = { tlsio_appleios_retrieveoptions, tlsio_appleios_create, tlsio_appleios_destroy, tlsio_appleios_open_async, tlsio_appleios_close_async, tlsio_appleios_send_async, tlsio_appleios_dowork, tlsio_appleios_setoption }; /* Codes_SRS_TLSIO_30_001: [ The tlsio_appleios_compact shall implement and export all the Concrete functions in the VTable IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION defined in the xio.h. ]*/ const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* tlsio_appleios_get_interface_description(void) { return &tlsio_appleios_interface_description; } const IO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION* socketio_get_interface_description(void) { return NULL; }