/***************************************************************************** * mp4.c: mp4 muxer ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 x264 project * * Authors: Laurent Aimar * Loren Merritt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * * This program is also available under a commercial proprietary license. * For more information, contact us at licensing@x264.com. *****************************************************************************/ #include "output.h" #include typedef struct { GF_ISOFile *p_file; GF_AVCConfig *p_config; GF_ISOSample *p_sample; int i_track; uint32_t i_descidx; uint64_t i_time_res; int64_t i_time_inc; int64_t i_delay_time; int64_t i_init_delta; int i_numframe; int i_delay_frames; int b_dts_compress; int i_dts_compress_multiplier; int i_data_size; } mp4_hnd_t; static void recompute_bitrate_mp4( GF_ISOFile *p_file, int i_track ) { u32 count, di, timescale, time_wnd, rate; u64 offset; Double br; GF_ESD *esd; esd = gf_isom_get_esd( p_file, i_track, 1 ); if( !esd ) return; esd->decoderConfig->avgBitrate = 0; esd->decoderConfig->maxBitrate = 0; rate = time_wnd = 0; timescale = gf_isom_get_media_timescale( p_file, i_track ); count = gf_isom_get_sample_count( p_file, i_track ); for( u32 i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { GF_ISOSample *samp = gf_isom_get_sample_info( p_file, i_track, i+1, &di, &offset ); if( !samp ) { x264_cli_log( "mp4", X264_LOG_ERROR, "failure reading back frame %u\n", i ); break; } if( esd->decoderConfig->bufferSizeDB < samp->dataLength ) esd->decoderConfig->bufferSizeDB = samp->dataLength; esd->decoderConfig->avgBitrate += samp->dataLength; rate += samp->dataLength; if( samp->DTS > time_wnd + timescale ) { if( rate > esd->decoderConfig->maxBitrate ) esd->decoderConfig->maxBitrate = rate; time_wnd = samp->DTS; rate = 0; } gf_isom_sample_del( &samp ); } br = (Double)(s64)gf_isom_get_media_duration( p_file, i_track ); br /= timescale; esd->decoderConfig->avgBitrate = (u32)(esd->decoderConfig->avgBitrate / br); /*move to bps*/ esd->decoderConfig->avgBitrate *= 8; esd->decoderConfig->maxBitrate *= 8; gf_isom_change_mpeg4_description( p_file, i_track, 1, esd ); gf_odf_desc_del( (GF_Descriptor*)esd ); } static int close_file( hnd_t handle, int64_t largest_pts, int64_t second_largest_pts ) { mp4_hnd_t *p_mp4 = handle; if( !p_mp4 ) return 0; if( p_mp4->p_config ) gf_odf_avc_cfg_del( p_mp4->p_config ); if( p_mp4->p_sample ) { if( p_mp4->p_sample->data ) free( p_mp4->p_sample->data ); p_mp4->p_sample->dataLength = 0; gf_isom_sample_del( &p_mp4->p_sample ); } if( p_mp4->p_file ) { if( p_mp4->i_track ) { /* The mdhd duration is defined as CTS[final] - CTS[0] + duration of last frame. * The mdhd duration (in seconds) should be able to be longer than the tkhd duration since the track is managed by edts. * So, if mdhd duration is equal to the last DTS or less, we give the last composition time delta to the last sample duration. * And then, the mdhd duration is updated, but it time-wise doesn't give the actual duration. * The tkhd duration is the actual track duration. */ uint64_t mdhd_duration = (2 * largest_pts - second_largest_pts) * p_mp4->i_time_inc; if( mdhd_duration != gf_isom_get_media_duration( p_mp4->p_file, p_mp4->i_track ) ) { uint64_t last_dts = gf_isom_get_sample_dts( p_mp4->p_file, p_mp4->i_track, p_mp4->i_numframe ); uint32_t last_duration = (uint32_t)( mdhd_duration > last_dts ? mdhd_duration - last_dts : (largest_pts - second_largest_pts) * p_mp4->i_time_inc ); gf_isom_set_last_sample_duration( p_mp4->p_file, p_mp4->i_track, last_duration ); } /* Write an Edit Box if the first CTS offset is positive. * A media_time is given by not the mvhd timescale but rather the mdhd timescale. * The reason is that an Edit Box maps the presentation time-line to the media time-line. * Any demuxers should follow the Edit Box if it exists. */ GF_ISOSample *sample = gf_isom_get_sample_info( p_mp4->p_file, p_mp4->i_track, 1, NULL, NULL ); if( sample && sample->CTS_Offset > 0 ) { uint32_t mvhd_timescale = gf_isom_get_timescale( p_mp4->p_file ); uint64_t tkhd_duration = (uint64_t)( mdhd_duration * ( (double)mvhd_timescale / p_mp4->i_time_res ) ); #if GPAC_VERSION_MAJOR > 8 gf_isom_append_edit( p_mp4->p_file, p_mp4->i_track, tkhd_duration, sample->CTS_Offset, GF_ISOM_EDIT_NORMAL ); #else gf_isom_append_edit_segment( p_mp4->p_file, p_mp4->i_track, tkhd_duration, sample->CTS_Offset, GF_ISOM_EDIT_NORMAL ); #endif } gf_isom_sample_del( &sample ); recompute_bitrate_mp4( p_mp4->p_file, p_mp4->i_track ); } gf_isom_set_pl_indication( p_mp4->p_file, GF_ISOM_PL_VISUAL, 0x15 ); gf_isom_set_storage_mode( p_mp4->p_file, GF_ISOM_STORE_FLAT ); gf_isom_close( p_mp4->p_file ); } free( p_mp4 ); return 0; } static int open_file( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle, cli_output_opt_t *opt ) { *p_handle = NULL; FILE *fh = x264_fopen( psz_filename, "w" ); if( !fh ) return -1; int b_regular = x264_is_regular_file( fh ); fclose( fh ); FAIL_IF_ERR( !b_regular, "mp4", "MP4 output is incompatible with non-regular file `%s'\n", psz_filename ); mp4_hnd_t *p_mp4 = calloc( 1, sizeof(mp4_hnd_t) ); if( !p_mp4 ) return -1; p_mp4->p_file = gf_isom_open( psz_filename, GF_ISOM_OPEN_WRITE, NULL ); p_mp4->b_dts_compress = opt->use_dts_compress; if( !(p_mp4->p_sample = gf_isom_sample_new()) ) { close_file( p_mp4, 0, 0 ); return -1; } gf_isom_set_brand_info( p_mp4->p_file, GF_ISOM_BRAND_AVC1, 0 ); *p_handle = p_mp4; return 0; } static int set_param( hnd_t handle, x264_param_t *p_param ) { mp4_hnd_t *p_mp4 = handle; p_mp4->i_delay_frames = p_param->i_bframe ? (p_param->i_bframe_pyramid ? 2 : 1) : 0; p_mp4->i_dts_compress_multiplier = p_mp4->b_dts_compress * p_mp4->i_delay_frames + 1; p_mp4->i_time_res = (uint64_t)p_param->i_timebase_den * p_mp4->i_dts_compress_multiplier; p_mp4->i_time_inc = (uint64_t)p_param->i_timebase_num * p_mp4->i_dts_compress_multiplier; FAIL_IF_ERR( p_mp4->i_time_res > UINT32_MAX, "mp4", "MP4 media timescale %"PRIu64" exceeds maximum\n", p_mp4->i_time_res ); p_mp4->i_track = gf_isom_new_track( p_mp4->p_file, 0, GF_ISOM_MEDIA_VISUAL, p_mp4->i_time_res ); p_mp4->p_config = gf_odf_avc_cfg_new(); gf_isom_avc_config_new( p_mp4->p_file, p_mp4->i_track, p_mp4->p_config, NULL, NULL, &p_mp4->i_descidx ); gf_isom_set_track_enabled( p_mp4->p_file, p_mp4->i_track, 1 ); gf_isom_set_visual_info( p_mp4->p_file, p_mp4->i_track, p_mp4->i_descidx, p_param->i_width, p_param->i_height ); if( p_param->vui.i_sar_width && p_param->vui.i_sar_height ) { uint64_t dw = p_param->i_width << 16; uint64_t dh = p_param->i_height << 16; double sar = (double)p_param->vui.i_sar_width / p_param->vui.i_sar_height; if( sar > 1.0 ) dw *= sar; else dh /= sar; gf_isom_set_pixel_aspect_ratio( p_mp4->p_file, p_mp4->i_track, p_mp4->i_descidx, p_param->vui.i_sar_width, p_param->vui.i_sar_height, 0 ); gf_isom_set_track_layout_info( p_mp4->p_file, p_mp4->i_track, dw, dh, 0, 0, 0 ); } p_mp4->i_data_size = p_param->i_width * p_param->i_height * 3 / 2; p_mp4->p_sample->data = malloc( p_mp4->i_data_size ); if( !p_mp4->p_sample->data ) { p_mp4->i_data_size = 0; return -1; } return 0; } static int check_buffer( mp4_hnd_t *p_mp4, int needed_size ) { if( needed_size > p_mp4->i_data_size ) { void *ptr = realloc( p_mp4->p_sample->data, needed_size ); if( !ptr ) return -1; p_mp4->p_sample->data = ptr; p_mp4->i_data_size = needed_size; } return 0; } static int write_headers( hnd_t handle, x264_nal_t *p_nal ) { mp4_hnd_t *p_mp4 = handle; GF_AVCConfigSlot *p_slot; int sps_size = p_nal[0].i_payload - 4; int pps_size = p_nal[1].i_payload - 4; int sei_size = p_nal[2].i_payload; uint8_t *sps = p_nal[0].p_payload + 4; uint8_t *pps = p_nal[1].p_payload + 4; uint8_t *sei = p_nal[2].p_payload; // SPS p_mp4->p_config->configurationVersion = 1; p_mp4->p_config->AVCProfileIndication = sps[1]; p_mp4->p_config->profile_compatibility = sps[2]; p_mp4->p_config->AVCLevelIndication = sps[3]; p_slot = malloc( sizeof(GF_AVCConfigSlot) ); if( !p_slot ) return -1; p_slot->size = sps_size; p_slot->data = malloc( p_slot->size ); if( !p_slot->data ) return -1; memcpy( p_slot->data, sps, sps_size ); gf_list_add( p_mp4->p_config->sequenceParameterSets, p_slot ); // PPS p_slot = malloc( sizeof(GF_AVCConfigSlot) ); if( !p_slot ) return -1; p_slot->size = pps_size; p_slot->data = malloc( p_slot->size ); if( !p_slot->data ) return -1; memcpy( p_slot->data, pps, pps_size ); gf_list_add( p_mp4->p_config->pictureParameterSets, p_slot ); gf_isom_avc_config_update( p_mp4->p_file, p_mp4->i_track, 1, p_mp4->p_config ); // SEI if( check_buffer( p_mp4, p_mp4->p_sample->dataLength + sei_size ) ) return -1; memcpy( p_mp4->p_sample->data + p_mp4->p_sample->dataLength, sei, sei_size ); p_mp4->p_sample->dataLength += sei_size; return sei_size + sps_size + pps_size; } static int write_frame( hnd_t handle, uint8_t *p_nalu, int i_size, x264_picture_t *p_picture ) { mp4_hnd_t *p_mp4 = handle; int64_t dts; int64_t cts; if( check_buffer( p_mp4, p_mp4->p_sample->dataLength + i_size ) ) return -1; memcpy( p_mp4->p_sample->data + p_mp4->p_sample->dataLength, p_nalu, i_size ); p_mp4->p_sample->dataLength += i_size; if( !p_mp4->i_numframe ) p_mp4->i_delay_time = p_picture->i_dts * -1; if( p_mp4->b_dts_compress ) { if( p_mp4->i_numframe == 1 ) p_mp4->i_init_delta = (p_picture->i_dts + p_mp4->i_delay_time) * p_mp4->i_time_inc; dts = p_mp4->i_numframe > p_mp4->i_delay_frames ? p_picture->i_dts * p_mp4->i_time_inc : p_mp4->i_numframe * (p_mp4->i_init_delta / p_mp4->i_dts_compress_multiplier); cts = p_picture->i_pts * p_mp4->i_time_inc; } else { dts = (p_picture->i_dts + p_mp4->i_delay_time) * p_mp4->i_time_inc; cts = (p_picture->i_pts + p_mp4->i_delay_time) * p_mp4->i_time_inc; } p_mp4->p_sample->IsRAP = p_picture->b_keyframe; p_mp4->p_sample->DTS = dts; p_mp4->p_sample->CTS_Offset = (uint32_t)(cts - dts); gf_isom_add_sample( p_mp4->p_file, p_mp4->i_track, p_mp4->i_descidx, p_mp4->p_sample ); p_mp4->p_sample->dataLength = 0; p_mp4->i_numframe++; return i_size; } const cli_output_t mp4_output = { open_file, set_param, write_headers, write_frame, close_file };