The RCW directories names for the LS2088AQDS boards conform to the following naming convention: abcdefgh_ijklmn_op_qr: a = What is available in SFP cage 1 b = What is available in SFP cage 2 c = What is available in SFP cage 3 d = What is available in SFP cage 4 e = What is available in SFP cage 5 f = What is available in SFP cage 6 g = What is available in SFP cage 7 h = What is available in SFP cage 8 i = What is available in Slot 1 j = What is available in Slot 2 k = What is available in Slot 3 l = What is available in Slot 4 m = What is available in Slot 5 n = What is available in Slot 6 o = SATA1 p = SATA2 For the Slots (c..j): 'N' is NULL, not available/not used 'P' is PCIe 'S' is SGMII 'Q' if QSGMII 'F' is XFI 'H' is SATA Serdes1 protocol (q): q = 'hex value of serdes1 protocol value' Serdes2 protocol (r): r = 'hex value of serdes2 protocol value' BIN Core/Platform/DDR/DP-DDR Bin1: 2000MHz/800MHz/2133MT/s/1600MT/s Files naming convention ============================= rcw_x.rcw rcw_x_bootmode.rcw x = Core frequency bootmode = nor(default)/sd/qspi For example, rcw_2000.rcw means rcw for core frequency of 2000MHz with nor boot. rcw_2000_sd.rcw means rcw for core frequency of 2000MHz with SD boot.