/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * Copyright 2020 (c) Fraunhofer IOSB (Author: Andreas Ebner) * Copyright 2020 (c) Grigory Friedman * Copyright 2014-2021 (c) Fraunhofer IOSB (Author: Julius Pfrommer) * Copyright 2014-2017 (c) Florian Palm * Copyright 2014-2016 (c) Sten Grüner * Copyright 2014 (c) Leon Urbas * Copyright 2015 (c) LEvertz * Copyright 2015 (c) Chris Iatrou * Copyright 2015-2016 (c) Oleksiy Vasylyev * Copyright 2016-2017 (c) Stefan Profanter, fortiss GmbH * Copyright 2016 (c) Lorenz Haas * Copyright 2017 (c) Mark Giraud, Fraunhofer IOSB * Copyright 2017 (c) Henrik Norrman */ #include #include #include "ua_types_encoding_binary.h" #include "ua_util_internal.h" /** * Type Encoding and Decoding * -------------------------- * The following methods contain encoding and decoding functions for the builtin * data types and generic functions that operate on all types and arrays. This * requires the type description from a UA_DataType structure. * * Breaking a message up into chunks is integrated with the encoding. When the * end of a buffer is reached, a callback is executed that sends the current * buffer as a chunk and exchanges the encoding buffer "underneath" the ongoing * encoding. This reduces the RAM requirements and unnecessary copying. */ /* Part 6 §5.1.5: Decoders shall support at least 100 nesting levels */ #define UA_ENCODING_MAX_RECURSION 100 typedef struct { /* Pointers to the current and last buffer position */ u8 *pos; const u8 *end; /* How often did we en-/decoding recurse? */ u16 depth; const UA_DataTypeArray *customTypes; UA_exchangeEncodeBuffer exchangeBufferCallback; void *exchangeBufferCallbackHandle; } Ctx; typedef status (*encodeBinarySignature)(const void *UA_RESTRICT src, const UA_DataType *type, Ctx *UA_RESTRICT ctx); typedef status (*decodeBinarySignature)(void *UA_RESTRICT dst, const UA_DataType *type, Ctx *UA_RESTRICT ctx); typedef size_t (*calcSizeBinarySignature)(const void *UA_RESTRICT p, const UA_DataType *type); #define ENCODE_BINARY(TYPE) static status \ TYPE##_encodeBinary(const UA_##TYPE *UA_RESTRICT src, \ const UA_DataType *type, Ctx *UA_RESTRICT ctx) #define DECODE_BINARY(TYPE) static status \ TYPE##_decodeBinary(UA_##TYPE *UA_RESTRICT dst, \ const UA_DataType *type, Ctx *UA_RESTRICT ctx) #define CALCSIZE_BINARY(TYPE) static size_t \ TYPE##_calcSizeBinary(const UA_##TYPE *UA_RESTRICT src, const UA_DataType *_) #define ENCODE_DIRECT(SRC, TYPE) TYPE##_encodeBinary((const UA_##TYPE*)SRC, NULL, ctx) #define DECODE_DIRECT(DST, TYPE) TYPE##_decodeBinary((UA_##TYPE*)DST, NULL, ctx) /* Jumptables for de-/encoding and computing the buffer length. The methods in * the decoding jumptable do not all clean up their allocated memory when an * error occurs. So a final _clear needs to be called before returning to the * user. */ extern const encodeBinarySignature encodeBinaryJumpTable[UA_DATATYPEKINDS]; extern const decodeBinarySignature decodeBinaryJumpTable[UA_DATATYPEKINDS]; extern const calcSizeBinarySignature calcSizeBinaryJumpTable[UA_DATATYPEKINDS]; /* Send the current chunk and replace the buffer */ static status exchangeBuffer(Ctx *ctx) { if(!ctx->exchangeBufferCallback) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGERROR; return ctx->exchangeBufferCallback(ctx->exchangeBufferCallbackHandle, &ctx->pos, &ctx->end); } /* If encoding fails, exchange the buffer and try again. */ static status encodeWithExchangeBuffer(const void *ptr, const UA_DataType *type, Ctx *ctx) { u8 *oldpos = ctx->pos; /* Last known good position */ #ifndef NDEBUG /* We have to ensure that the buffer was not exchanged AND * BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED was returned. If that were the case, oldpos * would be invalid. That means, a type encoding must never return * BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED once the buffer could have been exchanged. This * is achieved by the use of encodeWithExchangeBuffer. */ const u8 *oldend = ctx->end; (void)oldend; /* For compilers who don't understand NDEBUG... */ #endif status ret = encodeBinaryJumpTable[type->typeKind](ptr, type, ctx); if(ret == UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED) { UA_assert(ctx->end == oldend); ctx->pos = oldpos; /* Set to the last known good position and exchange */ ret = exchangeBuffer(ctx); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); ret = encodeBinaryJumpTable[type->typeKind](ptr, type, ctx); } return ret; } /*****************/ /* Integer Types */ /*****************/ #if !UA_BINARY_OVERLAYABLE_INTEGER #pragma message "Integer endianness could not be detected to be little endian. Use slow generic encoding." /* These en/decoding functions are only used when the architecture isn't little-endian. */ static void UA_encode16(const u16 v, u8 buf[2]) { buf[0] = (u8)v; buf[1] = (u8)(v >> 8); } static void UA_decode16(const u8 buf[2], u16 *v) { *v = (u16)((u16)buf[0] + (((u16)buf[1]) << 8)); } static void UA_encode32(const u32 v, u8 buf[4]) { buf[0] = (u8)v; buf[1] = (u8)(v >> 8); buf[2] = (u8)(v >> 16); buf[3] = (u8)(v >> 24); } static void UA_decode32(const u8 buf[4], u32 *v) { *v = (u32)((u32)buf[0] + (((u32)buf[1]) << 8) + (((u32)buf[2]) << 16) + (((u32)buf[3]) << 24)); } static void UA_encode64(const u64 v, u8 buf[8]) { buf[0] = (u8)v; buf[1] = (u8)(v >> 8); buf[2] = (u8)(v >> 16); buf[3] = (u8)(v >> 24); buf[4] = (u8)(v >> 32); buf[5] = (u8)(v >> 40); buf[6] = (u8)(v >> 48); buf[7] = (u8)(v >> 56); } static void UA_decode64(const u8 buf[8], u64 *v) { *v = (u64)((u64)buf[0] + (((u64)buf[1]) << 8) + (((u64)buf[2]) << 16) + (((u64)buf[3]) << 24) + (((u64)buf[4]) << 32) + (((u64)buf[5]) << 40) + (((u64)buf[6]) << 48) + (((u64)buf[7]) << 56)); } #endif /* !UA_BINARY_OVERLAYABLE_INTEGER */ /* Boolean */ /* Note that sizeof(bool) != 1 on some platforms. Overlayable integer encoding * is disabled in those cases. */ ENCODE_BINARY(Boolean) { UA_CHECK(ctx->pos + 1 <= ctx->end, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); *ctx->pos = *(const u8*)src; ++ctx->pos; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } DECODE_BINARY(Boolean) { UA_CHECK(ctx->pos + 1 <= ctx->end, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADDECODINGERROR); *dst = (*ctx->pos > 0) ? true : false; ++ctx->pos; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } /* Byte */ ENCODE_BINARY(Byte) { UA_CHECK(ctx->pos + sizeof(u8) <= ctx->end, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); *ctx->pos = *(const u8*)src; ++ctx->pos; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } DECODE_BINARY(Byte) { UA_CHECK(ctx->pos + sizeof(u8) <= ctx->end, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADDECODINGERROR); *dst = *ctx->pos; ++ctx->pos; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } /* UInt16 */ ENCODE_BINARY(UInt16) { UA_CHECK(ctx->pos + sizeof(u16) <= ctx->end, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); #if UA_BINARY_OVERLAYABLE_INTEGER memcpy(ctx->pos, src, sizeof(u16)); #else UA_encode16(*src, ctx->pos); #endif ctx->pos += 2; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } DECODE_BINARY(UInt16) { UA_CHECK(ctx->pos + sizeof(u16) <= ctx->end, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADDECODINGERROR); #if UA_BINARY_OVERLAYABLE_INTEGER memcpy(dst, ctx->pos, sizeof(u16)); #else UA_decode16(ctx->pos, dst); #endif ctx->pos += 2; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } /* UInt32 */ ENCODE_BINARY(UInt32) { UA_CHECK(ctx->pos + sizeof(u32) <= ctx->end, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); #if UA_BINARY_OVERLAYABLE_INTEGER memcpy(ctx->pos, src, sizeof(u32)); #else UA_encode32(*src, ctx->pos); #endif ctx->pos += 4; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } DECODE_BINARY(UInt32) { UA_CHECK(ctx->pos + sizeof(u32) <= ctx->end, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADDECODINGERROR); #if UA_BINARY_OVERLAYABLE_INTEGER memcpy(dst, ctx->pos, sizeof(u32)); #else UA_decode32(ctx->pos, dst); #endif ctx->pos += 4; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } /* UInt64 */ ENCODE_BINARY(UInt64) { UA_CHECK(ctx->pos + sizeof(u64) <= ctx->end, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); #if UA_BINARY_OVERLAYABLE_INTEGER memcpy(ctx->pos, src, sizeof(u64)); #else UA_encode64(*src, ctx->pos); #endif ctx->pos += 8; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } DECODE_BINARY(UInt64) { UA_CHECK(ctx->pos + sizeof(u64) <= ctx->end, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADDECODINGERROR); #if UA_BINARY_OVERLAYABLE_INTEGER memcpy(dst, ctx->pos, sizeof(u64)); #else UA_decode64(ctx->pos, dst); #endif ctx->pos += 8; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } /************************/ /* Floating Point Types */ /************************/ /* Can we reuse the integer encoding mechanism by casting floating point * values? */ #if (UA_FLOAT_IEEE754 == 1) && (UA_LITTLE_ENDIAN == UA_FLOAT_LITTLE_ENDIAN) # define Float_encodeBinary UInt32_encodeBinary # define Float_decodeBinary UInt32_decodeBinary # define Double_encodeBinary UInt64_encodeBinary # define Double_decodeBinary UInt64_decodeBinary #else #include #pragma message "No native IEEE 754 format detected. Use slow generic encoding." /* Handling of IEEE754 floating point values was taken from Beej's Guide to * Network Programming (http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/) and enhanced to cover the * edge cases +/-0, +/-inf and nan. */ static uint64_t pack754(long double f, unsigned bits, unsigned expbits) { unsigned significandbits = bits - expbits - 1; long double fnorm; long long sign; if(f < 0) { sign = 1; fnorm = -f; } else { sign = 0; fnorm = f; } int shift = 0; while(fnorm >= 2.0) { fnorm /= 2.0; ++shift; } while(fnorm < 1.0) { fnorm *= 2.0; --shift; } fnorm = fnorm - 1.0; long long significand = (long long)(fnorm * ((float)(1LL<>significandbits) & (uint64_t)((1LL< 0) { result *= 2.0; --shift; } while(shift < 0) { result /= 2.0; ++shift; } result *= ((i>>(bits-1))&1)? -1.0: 1.0; return result; } /* Float */ #define FLOAT_NAN 0xffc00000 #define FLOAT_INF 0x7f800000 #define FLOAT_NEG_INF 0xff800000 #define FLOAT_NEG_ZERO 0x80000000 ENCODE_BINARY(Float) { UA_Float f = *src; u32 encoded; /* cppcheck-suppress duplicateExpression */ if(f != f) encoded = FLOAT_NAN; else if(f == 0.0f) encoded = signbit(f) ? FLOAT_NEG_ZERO : 0; else if(f/f != f/f) encoded = f > 0 ? FLOAT_INF : FLOAT_NEG_INF; else encoded = (u32)pack754(f, 32, 8); return ENCODE_DIRECT(&encoded, UInt32); } DECODE_BINARY(Float) { u32 decoded; status ret = DECODE_DIRECT(&decoded, UInt32); if(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) return ret; if(decoded == 0) *dst = 0.0f; else if(decoded == FLOAT_NEG_ZERO) *dst = -0.0f; else if(decoded == FLOAT_INF) *dst = INFINITY; else if(decoded == FLOAT_NEG_INF) *dst = -INFINITY; else if((decoded >= 0x7f800001 && decoded <= 0x7fffffff) || (decoded >= 0xff800001)) *dst = NAN; else *dst = (UA_Float)unpack754(decoded, 32, 8); return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } /* Double */ #define DOUBLE_NAN 0xfff8000000000000L #define DOUBLE_INF 0x7ff0000000000000L #define DOUBLE_NEG_INF 0xfff0000000000000L #define DOUBLE_NEG_ZERO 0x8000000000000000L ENCODE_BINARY(Double) { UA_Double d = *src; u64 encoded; /* cppcheck-suppress duplicateExpression */ if(d != d) encoded = DOUBLE_NAN; else if(d == 0.0) encoded = signbit(d) ? DOUBLE_NEG_ZERO : 0; else if(d/d != d/d) encoded = d > 0 ? DOUBLE_INF : DOUBLE_NEG_INF; else encoded = pack754(d, 64, 11); return ENCODE_DIRECT(&encoded, UInt64); } DECODE_BINARY(Double) { u64 decoded; status ret = DECODE_DIRECT(&decoded, UInt64); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); if(decoded == 0) *dst = 0.0; else if(decoded == DOUBLE_NEG_ZERO) *dst = -0.0; else if(decoded == DOUBLE_INF) *dst = INFINITY; else if(decoded == DOUBLE_NEG_INF) *dst = -INFINITY; else if((decoded >= 0x7ff0000000000001L && decoded <= 0x7fffffffffffffffL) || (decoded >= 0xfff0000000000001L)) *dst = NAN; else *dst = (UA_Double)unpack754(decoded, 64, 11); return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } #endif /******************/ /* Array Handling */ /******************/ static status Array_encodeBinaryOverlayable(uintptr_t ptr, size_t memSize, Ctx *ctx) { /* Loop as long as more elements remain than fit into the chunk */ while(ctx->end < ctx->pos + memSize) { size_t possible = ((uintptr_t)ctx->end - (uintptr_t)ctx->pos); memcpy(ctx->pos, (void*)ptr, possible); ctx->pos += possible; ptr += possible; status ret = exchangeBuffer(ctx); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); memSize -= possible; } /* Encode the remaining elements */ memcpy(ctx->pos, (void*)ptr, memSize); ctx->pos += memSize; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } static status Array_encodeBinaryComplex(uintptr_t ptr, size_t length, const UA_DataType *type, Ctx *ctx) { /* Encode every element */ for(size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { status ret = encodeWithExchangeBuffer((const void*)ptr, type, ctx); ptr += type->memSize; UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); /* Unrecoverable fail */ } return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } static status Array_encodeBinary(const void *src, size_t length, const UA_DataType *type, Ctx *ctx) { /* Check and convert the array length to int32 */ i32 signed_length = -1; if(length > UA_INT32_MAX) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADINTERNALERROR; if(length > 0) signed_length = (i32)length; else if(src == UA_EMPTY_ARRAY_SENTINEL) signed_length = 0; /* Encode the array length */ status ret = encodeWithExchangeBuffer(&signed_length, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_INT32], ctx); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); /* Encode the content */ if(length > 0) { if(type->overlayable) ret = Array_encodeBinaryOverlayable((uintptr_t)src, length * type->memSize, ctx); else ret = Array_encodeBinaryComplex((uintptr_t)src, length, type, ctx); } UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); return ret; } static status Array_decodeBinary(void *UA_RESTRICT *UA_RESTRICT dst, size_t *out_length, const UA_DataType *type, Ctx *ctx) { /* Decode the length */ i32 signed_length; status ret = DECODE_DIRECT(&signed_length, UInt32); /* Int32 */ UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); /* Return early for empty arrays */ if(signed_length <= 0) { *out_length = 0; if(signed_length < 0) *dst = NULL; else *dst = UA_EMPTY_ARRAY_SENTINEL; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } /* Filter out arrays that can obviously not be decoded, because the message * is too small for the array length. This prevents the allocation of very * long arrays for bogus messages. * * The worst known case (so far) is UA_DataValue. It has * sizeof(UA_DataValue) == 80 and an empty DataValue is encoded with just * one byte. We use 128 as the smallest power of 2 larger than 80. */ size_t length = (size_t)signed_length; UA_CHECK(ctx->pos + ((type->memSize * length) / 128) <= ctx->end, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADDECODINGERROR); /* Allocate memory */ *dst = UA_calloc(length, type->memSize); UA_CHECK_MEM(*dst, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADOUTOFMEMORY); if(type->overlayable) { /* memcpy overlayable array */ UA_CHECK(ctx->pos + (type->memSize * length) <= ctx->end, UA_free(*dst); *dst = NULL; return UA_STATUSCODE_BADDECODINGERROR); memcpy(*dst, ctx->pos, type->memSize * length); ctx->pos += type->memSize * length; } else { /* Decode array members */ uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)*dst; for(size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { ret = decodeBinaryJumpTable[type->typeKind]((void*)ptr, type, ctx); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, /* +1 because last element is also already initialized */ UA_Array_delete(*dst, i+1, type); *dst = NULL; return ret); ptr += type->memSize; } } *out_length = length; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } /*****************/ /* Builtin Types */ /*****************/ ENCODE_BINARY(String) { return Array_encodeBinary(src->data, src->length, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_BYTE], ctx); } DECODE_BINARY(String) { return Array_decodeBinary((void**)&dst->data, &dst->length, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_BYTE], ctx); } /* Guid */ ENCODE_BINARY(Guid) { status ret = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->data1, UInt32); ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->data2, UInt16); ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->data3, UInt16); UA_CHECK(ctx->pos + (8*sizeof(u8)) <= ctx->end, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); memcpy(ctx->pos, src->data4, 8*sizeof(u8)); ctx->pos += 8; return ret; } DECODE_BINARY(Guid) { status ret = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->data1, UInt32); ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->data2, UInt16); ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->data3, UInt16); UA_CHECK(ctx->pos + (8*sizeof(u8)) <= ctx->end, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADDECODINGERROR); memcpy(dst->data4, ctx->pos, 8*sizeof(u8)); ctx->pos += 8; return ret; } /* NodeId */ #define UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC_TWOBYTE 0u #define UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC_FOURBYTE 1u #define UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC_COMPLETE 2u #define UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_SERVERINDEX_FLAG 0x40u #define UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_NAMESPACEURI_FLAG 0x80u /* For ExpandedNodeId, we prefill the encoding mask. */ static status NodeId_encodeBinaryWithEncodingMask(UA_NodeId const *src, u8 encoding, Ctx *ctx) { status ret = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; switch(src->identifierType) { case UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC: if(src->identifier.numeric > UA_UINT16_MAX || src->namespaceIndex > UA_BYTE_MAX) { encoding |= UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC_COMPLETE; ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&encoding, Byte); ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->namespaceIndex, UInt16); ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->identifier.numeric, UInt32); } else if(src->identifier.numeric > UA_BYTE_MAX || src->namespaceIndex > 0) { encoding |= UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC_FOURBYTE; ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&encoding, Byte); u8 nsindex = (u8)src->namespaceIndex; ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&nsindex, Byte); u16 identifier16 = (u16)src->identifier.numeric; ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&identifier16, UInt16); } else { encoding |= UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC_TWOBYTE; ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&encoding, Byte); u8 identifier8 = (u8)src->identifier.numeric; ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&identifier8, Byte); } break; case UA_NODEIDTYPE_STRING: encoding |= (u8)UA_NODEIDTYPE_STRING; ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&encoding, Byte); ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->namespaceIndex, UInt16); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); /* Can exchange the buffer */ ret = ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->identifier.string, String); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); break; case UA_NODEIDTYPE_GUID: encoding |= (u8)UA_NODEIDTYPE_GUID; ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&encoding, Byte); ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->namespaceIndex, UInt16); ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->identifier.guid, Guid); break; case UA_NODEIDTYPE_BYTESTRING: encoding |= (u8)UA_NODEIDTYPE_BYTESTRING; ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&encoding, Byte); ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->namespaceIndex, UInt16); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); /* Can exchange the buffer */ ret = ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->identifier.byteString, String); /* ByteString */ UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); break; default: return UA_STATUSCODE_BADINTERNALERROR; } return ret; } ENCODE_BINARY(NodeId) { return NodeId_encodeBinaryWithEncodingMask(src, 0, ctx); } DECODE_BINARY(NodeId) { u8 dstByte = 0, encodingByte = 0; u16 dstUInt16 = 0; /* Decode the encoding bitfield */ status ret = DECODE_DIRECT(&encodingByte, Byte); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); /* Filter out the bits used only for ExpandedNodeIds */ encodingByte &= (u8)~(u8)(UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_SERVERINDEX_FLAG | UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_NAMESPACEURI_FLAG); /* Decode the namespace and identifier */ switch(encodingByte) { case UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC_TWOBYTE: dst->identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC; ret = DECODE_DIRECT(&dstByte, Byte); dst->identifier.numeric = dstByte; dst->namespaceIndex = 0; break; case UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC_FOURBYTE: dst->identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dstByte, Byte); dst->namespaceIndex = dstByte; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dstUInt16, UInt16); dst->identifier.numeric = dstUInt16; break; case UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC_COMPLETE: dst->identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->namespaceIndex, UInt16); ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->identifier.numeric, UInt32); break; case UA_NODEIDTYPE_STRING: dst->identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_STRING; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->namespaceIndex, UInt16); ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->identifier.string, String); break; case UA_NODEIDTYPE_GUID: dst->identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_GUID; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->namespaceIndex, UInt16); ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->identifier.guid, Guid); break; case UA_NODEIDTYPE_BYTESTRING: dst->identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_BYTESTRING; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->namespaceIndex, UInt16); ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->identifier.byteString, String); /* ByteString */ break; default: ret |= UA_STATUSCODE_BADINTERNALERROR; break; } return ret; } /* ExpandedNodeId */ ENCODE_BINARY(ExpandedNodeId) { /* Set up the encoding mask */ u8 encoding = 0; if((void*)src->namespaceUri.data > UA_EMPTY_ARRAY_SENTINEL) encoding |= UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_NAMESPACEURI_FLAG; if(src->serverIndex > 0) encoding |= UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_SERVERINDEX_FLAG; /* Encode the NodeId. Can exchange the buffer. */ status ret = NodeId_encodeBinaryWithEncodingMask(&src->nodeId, encoding, ctx); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); /* Encode the namespace. Internally uses encodeWithExchangeBuffer * everywhere. So it will never return * UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED. */ if((void*)src->namespaceUri.data > UA_EMPTY_ARRAY_SENTINEL) { ret = ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->namespaceUri, String); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); } /* Encode the serverIndex */ if(src->serverIndex > 0) ret = encodeWithExchangeBuffer(&src->serverIndex, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT32], ctx); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); return ret; } DECODE_BINARY(ExpandedNodeId) { /* Decode the encoding mask */ UA_CHECK(ctx->pos + 1 <= ctx->end, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADDECODINGERROR); u8 encoding = *ctx->pos; /* Decode the NodeId */ status ret = DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->nodeId, NodeId); /* Decode the NamespaceUri */ if(encoding & UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_NAMESPACEURI_FLAG) { dst->nodeId.namespaceIndex = 0; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->namespaceUri, String); } /* Decode the ServerIndex */ if(encoding & UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_SERVERINDEX_FLAG) ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->serverIndex, UInt32); return ret; } /* QualifiedName */ ENCODE_BINARY(QualifiedName) { status ret = ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->namespaceIndex, UInt16); /* Must check here so we can exchange the buffer in the string encoding */ UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->name, String); return ret; } DECODE_BINARY(QualifiedName) { status ret = DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->namespaceIndex, UInt16); ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->name, String); return ret; } /* LocalizedText */ #define UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_LOCALE 0x01u #define UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_TEXT 0x02u ENCODE_BINARY(LocalizedText) { /* Set up the encoding mask */ u8 encoding = 0; if(src->locale.data) encoding |= UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_LOCALE; if(src->text.data) encoding |= UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_TEXT; /* Encode the encoding byte */ status ret = ENCODE_DIRECT(&encoding, Byte); /* Must check here so we can exchange the buffer in the string encoding */ UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); /* Encode the strings */ if(encoding & UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_LOCALE) ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->locale, String); if(encoding & UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_TEXT) ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->text, String); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); return ret; } DECODE_BINARY(LocalizedText) { /* Decode the encoding mask */ u8 encoding = 0; status ret = DECODE_DIRECT(&encoding, Byte); /* Decode the content */ if(encoding & UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_LOCALE) ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->locale, String); if(encoding & UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_TEXT) ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->text, String); return ret; } /* The binary encoding has a different nodeid from the data type. So it is not * possible to reuse UA_findDataType */ static const UA_DataType * UA_findDataTypeByBinaryInternal(const UA_NodeId *typeId, Ctx *ctx) { /* Always look in the built-in types first. Assume that only numeric * identifiers are used for the builtin types. (They may contain data types * from all namespaces though.) */ if(typeId->identifierType == UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC) { for(size_t i = 0; i < UA_TYPES_COUNT; ++i) { if(UA_TYPES[i].binaryEncodingId.identifier.numeric == typeId->identifier.numeric && UA_TYPES[i].binaryEncodingId.namespaceIndex == typeId->namespaceIndex) return &UA_TYPES[i]; } } const UA_DataTypeArray *customTypes = ctx->customTypes; while(customTypes) { for(size_t i = 0; i < customTypes->typesSize; ++i) { if(UA_NodeId_equal(typeId, &customTypes->types[i].binaryEncodingId)) return &customTypes->types[i]; } customTypes = customTypes->next; } return NULL; } const UA_DataType * UA_findDataTypeByBinary(const UA_NodeId *typeId) { Ctx ctx; ctx.customTypes = NULL; return UA_findDataTypeByBinaryInternal(typeId, &ctx); } /* ExtensionObject */ ENCODE_BINARY(ExtensionObject) { u8 encoding = (u8)src->encoding; /* No content or already encoded content. */ if(encoding <= UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODED_XML) { /* Can exchange the buffer */ status ret = ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->content.encoded.typeId, NodeId); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); ret = encodeWithExchangeBuffer(&encoding, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_BYTE], ctx); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); switch(src->encoding) { case UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODED_NOBODY: break; case UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODED_BYTESTRING: case UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODED_XML: /* ByteString in disguise. Array encoding can exchange the buffer */ ret = ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->content.encoded.body, String); break; default: ret = UA_STATUSCODE_BADINTERNALERROR; } UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); return ret; } /* Cannot encode with no data or no type description */ if(!src->content.decoded.type || !src->content.decoded.data) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGERROR; /* Write the NodeId for the binary encoded type. This could perform a buffer * exchange, but can also return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED. */ status ret = ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->content.decoded.type->binaryEncodingId, NodeId); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); /* Encode the encoding byte */ encoding = UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODED_BYTESTRING; ret = encodeWithExchangeBuffer(&encoding, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_BYTE], ctx); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); /* Encode the content length */ const UA_DataType *contentType = src->content.decoded.type; size_t len = UA_calcSizeBinary(src->content.decoded.data, contentType); UA_CHECK(len <= UA_INT32_MAX, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGERROR); i32 signed_len = (i32)len; ret = encodeWithExchangeBuffer(&signed_len, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_INT32], ctx); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); /* Encode the content */ ret = encodeWithExchangeBuffer(src->content.decoded.data, contentType, ctx); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); return ret; } static status ExtensionObject_decodeBinaryContent(UA_ExtensionObject *dst, const UA_NodeId *typeId, Ctx *ctx) { /* Lookup the datatype */ const UA_DataType *type = UA_findDataTypeByBinaryInternal(typeId, ctx); /* Unknown type, just take the binary content */ if(!type) { dst->encoding = UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODED_BYTESTRING; UA_NodeId_copy(typeId, &dst->content.encoded.typeId); return DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->content.encoded.body, String); /* ByteString */ } /* Allocate memory */ dst->content.decoded.data = UA_new(type); UA_CHECK_MEM(dst->content.decoded.data, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADOUTOFMEMORY); /* Jump over the length field (TODO: check if the decoded length matches) */ ctx->pos += 4; /* Decode */ dst->encoding = UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_DECODED; dst->content.decoded.type = type; return decodeBinaryJumpTable[type->typeKind](dst->content.decoded.data, type, ctx); } DECODE_BINARY(ExtensionObject) { u8 encoding = 0; UA_NodeId binTypeId; UA_NodeId_init(&binTypeId); status ret = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&binTypeId, NodeId); ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&encoding, Byte); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, UA_NodeId_clear(&binTypeId); return ret); switch(encoding) { case UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODED_BYTESTRING: ret = ExtensionObject_decodeBinaryContent(dst, &binTypeId, ctx); UA_NodeId_clear(&binTypeId); break; case UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODED_NOBODY: dst->encoding = (UA_ExtensionObjectEncoding)encoding; dst->content.encoded.typeId = binTypeId; /* move to dst */ dst->content.encoded.body = UA_BYTESTRING_NULL; break; case UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODED_XML: dst->encoding = (UA_ExtensionObjectEncoding)encoding; dst->content.encoded.typeId = binTypeId; /* move to dst */ ret = DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->content.encoded.body, String); /* ByteString */ UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, UA_NodeId_clear(&dst->content.encoded.typeId)); break; default: UA_NodeId_clear(&binTypeId); ret = UA_STATUSCODE_BADDECODINGERROR; break; } return ret; } /* Variant */ static status Variant_encodeBinaryWrapExtensionObject(const UA_Variant *src, const UA_Boolean isArray, Ctx *ctx) { size_t length = 1; /* Default to 1 for a scalar. */ /* Encode the array length if required */ status ret = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; if(isArray) { UA_CHECK(src->arrayLength <= UA_INT32_MAX, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGERROR); length = src->arrayLength; i32 encodedLength = (i32)src->arrayLength; ret = ENCODE_DIRECT(&encodedLength, UInt32); /* Int32 */ UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); } /* Set up the ExtensionObject */ UA_ExtensionObject eo; UA_ExtensionObject_init(&eo); eo.encoding = UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_DECODED; eo.content.decoded.type = src->type; const u16 memSize = src->type->memSize; uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)src->data; /* Iterate over the array */ for(size_t i = 0; i < length && ret == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; ++i) { eo.content.decoded.data = (void*)ptr; ret = encodeWithExchangeBuffer(&eo, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_EXTENSIONOBJECT], ctx); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); ptr += memSize; } return ret; } enum UA_VARIANT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE { UA_VARIANT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_TYPEID_MASK = 0x3Fu, /* bits 0:5 */ UA_VARIANT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_DIMENSIONS = (u8)(0x01u << 6u), /* bit 6 */ UA_VARIANT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_ARRAY = (u8)(0x01u << 7u) /* bit 7 */ }; ENCODE_BINARY(Variant) { /* Quit early for the empty variant */ u8 encoding = 0; if(!src->type) return ENCODE_DIRECT(&encoding, Byte); /* Set the content type in the encoding mask */ const UA_Boolean isBuiltin = (src->type->typeKind <= UA_DATATYPEKIND_DIAGNOSTICINFO); const UA_Boolean isEnum = (src->type->typeKind == UA_DATATYPEKIND_ENUM); if(isBuiltin) encoding = (u8)(encoding | (u8)((u8)UA_VARIANT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_TYPEID_MASK & (u8)(src->type->typeKind + 1u))); else if(isEnum) encoding = (u8)(encoding | (u8)((u8)UA_VARIANT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_TYPEID_MASK & (u8)(UA_TYPES_INT32 + 1u))); else encoding = (u8)(encoding | (u8)((u8)UA_VARIANT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_TYPEID_MASK & (u8)(UA_TYPES_EXTENSIONOBJECT + 1u))); /* Set the array type in the encoding mask */ const UA_Boolean isArray = src->arrayLength > 0 || src->data <= UA_EMPTY_ARRAY_SENTINEL; const UA_Boolean hasDimensions = isArray && src->arrayDimensionsSize > 0; if(isArray) { encoding |= (u8)UA_VARIANT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_ARRAY; if(hasDimensions) encoding |= (u8)UA_VARIANT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_DIMENSIONS; } /* Encode the encoding byte */ status ret = ENCODE_DIRECT(&encoding, Byte); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); /* Encode the content. This can exchange the buffer. */ if(!isBuiltin && !isEnum) { /* This could return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED. But we * have not exchanged the buffer so far. */ ret = Variant_encodeBinaryWrapExtensionObject(src, isArray, ctx); } else if(!isArray) { ret = encodeWithExchangeBuffer(src->data, src->type, ctx); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); } else { ret = Array_encodeBinary(src->data, src->arrayLength, src->type, ctx); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); } UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); /* Encode the array dimensions */ if(hasDimensions && ret == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) ret = Array_encodeBinary(src->arrayDimensions, src->arrayDimensionsSize, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_INT32], ctx); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); return ret; } static status Variant_decodeBinaryUnwrapExtensionObject(UA_Variant *dst, Ctx *ctx) { /* Save the position in the ByteString. If unwrapping is not possible, start * from here to decode a normal ExtensionObject. */ u8 *old_pos = ctx->pos; /* Decode the DataType */ UA_NodeId typeId; UA_NodeId_init(&typeId); status ret = DECODE_DIRECT(&typeId, NodeId); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); /* Decode the EncodingByte */ u8 encoding; ret = DECODE_DIRECT(&encoding, Byte); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, UA_NodeId_clear(&typeId); return ret); /* Search for the datatype. Default to ExtensionObject. */ if(encoding == UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODED_BYTESTRING && (dst->type = UA_findDataTypeByBinaryInternal(&typeId, ctx)) != NULL) { /* Jump over the length field (TODO: check if length matches) */ ctx->pos += 4; } else { /* Reset and decode as ExtensionObject */ dst->type = &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_EXTENSIONOBJECT]; ctx->pos = old_pos; } UA_NodeId_clear(&typeId); /* Allocate memory */ dst->data = UA_new(dst->type); UA_CHECK_MEM(dst->data, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADOUTOFMEMORY); /* Decode the content */ return decodeBinaryJumpTable[dst->type->typeKind](dst->data, dst->type, ctx); } /* The resulting variant always has the storagetype UA_VARIANT_DATA. */ DECODE_BINARY(Variant) { /* Decode the encoding byte */ u8 encodingByte; status ret = DECODE_DIRECT(&encodingByte, Byte); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); /* Return early for an empty variant (was already _inited) */ if(encodingByte == 0) return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; /* Does the variant contain an array? */ const UA_Boolean isArray = (encodingByte & (u8)UA_VARIANT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_ARRAY) > 0; /* Get the datatype of the content. The type must be a builtin data type. * All not-builtin types are wrapped in an ExtensionObject. The "type kind" * for types up to DiagnsticInfo equals to the index in the encoding * byte. */ size_t typeKind = (size_t)((encodingByte & (u8)UA_VARIANT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_TYPEID_MASK) - 1); UA_CHECK(typeKind <= UA_DATATYPEKIND_DIAGNOSTICINFO, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADDECODINGERROR); /* A variant cannot contain a variant. But it can contain an array of * variants */ UA_CHECK(typeKind != UA_DATATYPEKIND_VARIANT || isArray, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADDECODINGERROR); /* Check the recursion limit */ UA_CHECK(ctx->depth <= UA_ENCODING_MAX_RECURSION, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGERROR); ctx->depth++; /* Decode the content */ dst->type = &UA_TYPES[typeKind]; if(isArray) { ret = Array_decodeBinary(&dst->data, &dst->arrayLength, dst->type, ctx); } else if(typeKind != UA_DATATYPEKIND_EXTENSIONOBJECT) { dst->data = UA_new(dst->type); UA_CHECK_MEM(dst->data, ctx->depth--; return UA_STATUSCODE_BADOUTOFMEMORY); ret = decodeBinaryJumpTable[typeKind](dst->data, dst->type, ctx); } else { ret = Variant_decodeBinaryUnwrapExtensionObject(dst, ctx); } /* Decode array dimensions */ if(isArray && (encodingByte & (u8)UA_VARIANT_ENCODINGMASKTYPE_DIMENSIONS) > 0) ret |= Array_decodeBinary((void**)&dst->arrayDimensions, &dst->arrayDimensionsSize, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_INT32], ctx); ctx->depth--; return ret; } /* DataValue */ ENCODE_BINARY(DataValue) { /* Set up the encoding mask */ u8 encodingMask = src->hasValue; encodingMask |= (u8)(src->hasStatus << 1u); encodingMask |= (u8)(src->hasSourceTimestamp << 2u); encodingMask |= (u8)(src->hasServerTimestamp << 3u); encodingMask |= (u8)(src->hasSourcePicoseconds << 4u); encodingMask |= (u8)(src->hasServerPicoseconds << 5u); /* Encode the encoding byte */ status ret = ENCODE_DIRECT(&encodingMask, Byte); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); /* Encode the variant. */ if(src->hasValue) { ret = ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->value, Variant); if(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) return ret; } if(src->hasStatus) ret |= encodeWithExchangeBuffer(&src->status, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_STATUSCODE], ctx); if(src->hasSourceTimestamp) ret |= encodeWithExchangeBuffer(&src->sourceTimestamp, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_DATETIME], ctx); if(src->hasSourcePicoseconds) ret |= encodeWithExchangeBuffer(&src->sourcePicoseconds, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT16], ctx); if(src->hasServerTimestamp) ret |= encodeWithExchangeBuffer(&src->serverTimestamp, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_DATETIME], ctx); if(src->hasServerPicoseconds) ret |= encodeWithExchangeBuffer(&src->serverPicoseconds, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT16], ctx); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); return ret; } #define MAX_PICO_SECONDS 9999 DECODE_BINARY(DataValue) { /* Decode the encoding mask */ u8 encodingMask; status ret = DECODE_DIRECT(&encodingMask, Byte); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); /* Check the recursion limit */ UA_CHECK(ctx->depth <= UA_ENCODING_MAX_RECURSION, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGERROR); ctx->depth++; /* Decode the content */ if(encodingMask & 0x01u) { dst->hasValue = true; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->value, Variant); } if(encodingMask & 0x02u) { dst->hasStatus = true; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->status, UInt32); /* StatusCode */ } if(encodingMask & 0x04u) { dst->hasSourceTimestamp = true; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->sourceTimestamp, UInt64); /* DateTime */ } if(encodingMask & 0x10u) { dst->hasSourcePicoseconds = true; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->sourcePicoseconds, UInt16); if(dst->sourcePicoseconds > MAX_PICO_SECONDS) dst->sourcePicoseconds = MAX_PICO_SECONDS; } if(encodingMask & 0x08u) { dst->hasServerTimestamp = true; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->serverTimestamp, UInt64); /* DateTime */ } if(encodingMask & 0x20u) { dst->hasServerPicoseconds = true; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->serverPicoseconds, UInt16); if(dst->serverPicoseconds > MAX_PICO_SECONDS) dst->serverPicoseconds = MAX_PICO_SECONDS; } ctx->depth--; return ret; } /* DiagnosticInfo */ ENCODE_BINARY(DiagnosticInfo) { /* Set up the encoding mask */ u8 encodingMask = src->hasSymbolicId; encodingMask |= (u8)(src->hasNamespaceUri << 1u); encodingMask |= (u8)(src->hasLocalizedText << 2u); encodingMask |= (u8)(src->hasLocale << 3u); encodingMask |= (u8)(src->hasAdditionalInfo << 4u); encodingMask |= (u8)(src->hasInnerStatusCode << 5u); encodingMask |= (u8)(src->hasInnerDiagnosticInfo << 6u); /* Encode the numeric content */ status ret = ENCODE_DIRECT(&encodingMask, Byte); if(src->hasSymbolicId) ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->symbolicId, UInt32); /* Int32 */ if(src->hasNamespaceUri) ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->namespaceUri, UInt32); /* Int32 */ if(src->hasLocalizedText) ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->localizedText, UInt32); /* Int32 */ if(src->hasLocale) ret |= ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->locale, UInt32); /* Int32 */ if(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) return ret; /* Encode the additional info. Can exchange the buffer. */ if(src->hasAdditionalInfo) { ret = ENCODE_DIRECT(&src->additionalInfo, String); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); } /* Encode the inner status code */ if(src->hasInnerStatusCode) { ret = encodeWithExchangeBuffer(&src->innerStatusCode, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT32], ctx); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); } /* Encode the inner diagnostic info */ if(src->hasInnerDiagnosticInfo) { ret = encodeWithExchangeBuffer(src->innerDiagnosticInfo, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_DIAGNOSTICINFO], ctx); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); } return ret; } DECODE_BINARY(DiagnosticInfo) { /* Decode the encoding mask */ u8 encodingMask; status ret = DECODE_DIRECT(&encodingMask, Byte); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); /* Decode the content */ if(encodingMask & 0x01u) { dst->hasSymbolicId = true; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->symbolicId, UInt32); /* Int32 */ } if(encodingMask & 0x02u) { dst->hasNamespaceUri = true; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->namespaceUri, UInt32); /* Int32 */ } if(encodingMask & 0x04u) { dst->hasLocalizedText = true; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->localizedText, UInt32); /* Int32 */ } if(encodingMask & 0x08u) { dst->hasLocale = true; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->locale, UInt32); /* Int32 */ } if(encodingMask & 0x10u) { dst->hasAdditionalInfo = true; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->additionalInfo, String); } if(encodingMask & 0x20u) { dst->hasInnerStatusCode = true; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(&dst->innerStatusCode, UInt32); /* StatusCode */ } if(encodingMask & 0x40u) { /* innerDiagnosticInfo is allocated on the heap */ dst->innerDiagnosticInfo = (UA_DiagnosticInfo*) UA_calloc(1, sizeof(UA_DiagnosticInfo)); UA_CHECK_MEM(dst->innerDiagnosticInfo, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADOUTOFMEMORY); dst->hasInnerDiagnosticInfo = true; /* Check the recursion limit */ UA_CHECK(ctx->depth <= UA_ENCODING_MAX_RECURSION, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGERROR); ctx->depth++; ret |= DECODE_DIRECT(dst->innerDiagnosticInfo, DiagnosticInfo); ctx->depth--; } return ret; } /********************/ /* Structured Types */ /********************/ static status encodeBinaryStruct(const void *src, const UA_DataType *type, Ctx *ctx) { /* Check the recursion limit */ UA_CHECK(ctx->depth <= UA_ENCODING_MAX_RECURSION, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGERROR); ctx->depth++; /* Loop over members */ uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)src; status ret = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; for(size_t i = 0; i < type->membersSize && ret == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; ++i) { const UA_DataTypeMember *m = &type->members[i]; const UA_DataType *mt = m->memberType; ptr += m->padding; /* Array. Buffer-exchange is done inside Array_encodeBinary if required. */ if(m->isArray) { const size_t length = *((const size_t*)ptr); ptr += sizeof(size_t); ret = Array_encodeBinary(*(void *UA_RESTRICT const *)ptr, length, mt, ctx); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); ptr += sizeof(void*); continue; } /* Scalar */ ret = encodeWithExchangeBuffer((const void*)ptr, mt, ctx); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); ptr += mt->memSize; } ctx->depth--; return ret; } static status encodeBinaryStructWithOptFields(const void *src, const UA_DataType *type, Ctx *ctx) { /* Check the recursion limit */ if(ctx->depth > UA_ENCODING_MAX_RECURSION) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGERROR; ctx->depth++; /* Creating the encoding mask, marking the available optional fields */ uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)src; size_t optFieldCounter = 0; UA_UInt32 encodingMask = 0; for(size_t j = 0; j < type->membersSize; ++j) { const UA_DataTypeMember *m = &type->members[j]; const UA_DataType *mt = m->memberType; ptr += m->padding; if(m->isOptional) { if(m->isArray) ptr += sizeof(size_t); if(*(void* const*)ptr != NULL) encodingMask |= (UA_UInt32) 1 << optFieldCounter; ptr += sizeof(void *); optFieldCounter++; } else if (m->isArray) { ptr += sizeof(size_t); ptr += sizeof(void *); } else { ptr += mt->memSize; } } /* Encode the mask */ status ret = ENCODE_DIRECT(&encodingMask, UInt32); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, ctx->depth--; return ret); /* Loop over members */ ptr = (uintptr_t)src; for(size_t i = 0, o = 0; i < type->membersSize && UA_LIKELY(ret == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD); ++i) { const UA_DataTypeMember *m = &type->members[i]; const UA_DataType *mt = m->memberType; ptr += m->padding; if(m->isOptional) { if(!(encodingMask & (UA_UInt32) ( (UA_UInt32) 1<<(o++)))) { /* Optional and not contained */ if(m->isArray) ptr += sizeof(size_t); } else if(m->isArray) { /* Optional Array */ const size_t length = *((const size_t *) ptr); ptr += sizeof(size_t); ret = Array_encodeBinary(*(void *UA_RESTRICT const *) ptr, length, mt, ctx); } else { /* Optional Scalar */ ret = encodeWithExchangeBuffer(*(void* const*) ptr, mt, ctx); } ptr += sizeof(void *); continue; } /* Mandatory Array */ if(m->isArray) { const size_t length = *((const size_t *) ptr); ptr += sizeof(size_t); ret = Array_encodeBinary(*(void *UA_RESTRICT const *) ptr, length, mt, ctx); ptr += sizeof(void *); continue; } /* Mandatory Scalar */ ret = encodeWithExchangeBuffer((const void*)ptr, mt, ctx); ptr += mt->memSize; } UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); ctx->depth--; return ret; } static status encodeBinaryUnion(const void *src, const UA_DataType *type, Ctx *ctx) { /* Check the recursion limit */ UA_CHECK(ctx->depth <= UA_ENCODING_MAX_RECURSION, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGERROR); ctx->depth++; /* Encode the selection */ const UA_UInt32 selection = *(const UA_UInt32*)src; status ret = ENCODE_DIRECT(&selection, UInt32); if(UA_UNLIKELY(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) || selection == 0) { ctx->depth--; return ret; } /* Select the member */ const UA_DataTypeMember *m = &type->members[selection-1]; const UA_DataType *mt = m->memberType; /* Encode the member */ uintptr_t ptr = ((uintptr_t)src) + m->padding; /* includes the switchfield length */ if(!m->isArray) { ret = encodeWithExchangeBuffer((const void*)ptr, mt, ctx); } else { const size_t length = *((const size_t*)ptr); ptr += sizeof(size_t); ret = Array_encodeBinary(*(void *UA_RESTRICT const *)ptr, length, mt, ctx); } UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); ctx->depth--; return ret; } static status encodeBinaryNotImplemented(const void *src, const UA_DataType *type, Ctx *ctx) { (void)src, (void)type, (void)ctx; return UA_STATUSCODE_BADNOTIMPLEMENTED; } const encodeBinarySignature encodeBinaryJumpTable[UA_DATATYPEKINDS] = { (encodeBinarySignature)Boolean_encodeBinary, (encodeBinarySignature)Byte_encodeBinary, /* SByte */ (encodeBinarySignature)Byte_encodeBinary, (encodeBinarySignature)UInt16_encodeBinary, /* Int16 */ (encodeBinarySignature)UInt16_encodeBinary, (encodeBinarySignature)UInt32_encodeBinary, /* Int32 */ (encodeBinarySignature)UInt32_encodeBinary, (encodeBinarySignature)UInt64_encodeBinary, /* Int64 */ (encodeBinarySignature)UInt64_encodeBinary, (encodeBinarySignature)Float_encodeBinary, (encodeBinarySignature)Double_encodeBinary, (encodeBinarySignature)String_encodeBinary, (encodeBinarySignature)UInt64_encodeBinary, /* DateTime */ (encodeBinarySignature)Guid_encodeBinary, (encodeBinarySignature)String_encodeBinary, /* ByteString */ (encodeBinarySignature)String_encodeBinary, /* XmlElement */ (encodeBinarySignature)NodeId_encodeBinary, (encodeBinarySignature)ExpandedNodeId_encodeBinary, (encodeBinarySignature)UInt32_encodeBinary, /* StatusCode */ (encodeBinarySignature)QualifiedName_encodeBinary, (encodeBinarySignature)LocalizedText_encodeBinary, (encodeBinarySignature)ExtensionObject_encodeBinary, (encodeBinarySignature)DataValue_encodeBinary, (encodeBinarySignature)Variant_encodeBinary, (encodeBinarySignature)DiagnosticInfo_encodeBinary, (encodeBinarySignature)encodeBinaryNotImplemented, /* Decimal */ (encodeBinarySignature)UInt32_encodeBinary, /* Enumeration */ (encodeBinarySignature)encodeBinaryStruct, (encodeBinarySignature)encodeBinaryStructWithOptFields, /* Structure with Optional Fields */ (encodeBinarySignature)encodeBinaryUnion, /* Union */ (encodeBinarySignature)encodeBinaryStruct /* BitfieldCluster */ }; status UA_encodeBinaryInternal(const void *src, const UA_DataType *type, u8 **bufPos, const u8 **bufEnd, UA_exchangeEncodeBuffer exchangeCallback, void *exchangeHandle) { /* Set up the context */ Ctx ctx; ctx.pos = *bufPos; ctx.end = *bufEnd; ctx.depth = 0; ctx.exchangeBufferCallback = exchangeCallback; ctx.exchangeBufferCallbackHandle = exchangeHandle; UA_CHECK_MEM(ctx.pos, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADINVALIDARGUMENT); /* Encode */ status ret = encodeWithExchangeBuffer(src, type, &ctx); UA_assert(ret != UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGLIMITSEXCEEDED); /* Set the new buffer position for the output. Beware that the buffer might * have been exchanged internally. */ *bufPos = ctx.pos; *bufEnd = ctx.end; return ret; } UA_StatusCode UA_encodeBinary(const void *p, const UA_DataType *type, UA_ByteString *outBuf) { /* Allocate buffer */ UA_Boolean allocated = false; status res = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; if(outBuf->length == 0) { size_t len = UA_calcSizeBinary(p, type); res = UA_ByteString_allocBuffer(outBuf, len); if(res != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) return res; allocated = true; } /* Encode */ u8 *pos = outBuf->data; const u8 *posEnd = &outBuf->data[outBuf->length]; res = UA_encodeBinaryInternal(p, type, &pos, &posEnd, NULL, NULL); /* Clean up */ if(res == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) { outBuf->length = (size_t)((uintptr_t)pos - (uintptr_t)outBuf->data); } else if(allocated) { UA_ByteString_clear(outBuf); } return res; } static status decodeBinaryNotImplemented(void *dst, const UA_DataType *type, Ctx *ctx) { (void)dst, (void)type, (void)ctx; return UA_STATUSCODE_BADNOTIMPLEMENTED; } static status decodeBinaryStructure(void *dst, const UA_DataType *type, Ctx *ctx) { /* Check the recursion limit */ UA_CHECK(ctx->depth <= UA_ENCODING_MAX_RECURSION, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGERROR); ctx->depth++; uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)dst; status ret = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; u8 membersSize = type->membersSize; /* Loop over members */ for(size_t i = 0; i < membersSize && ret == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; ++i) { const UA_DataTypeMember *m = &type->members[i]; const UA_DataType *mt = m->memberType; ptr += m->padding; /* Array */ if(m->isArray) { size_t *length = (size_t*)ptr; ptr += sizeof(size_t); ret = Array_decodeBinary((void *UA_RESTRICT *UA_RESTRICT)ptr, length, mt , ctx); ptr += sizeof(void*); continue; } /* Scalar */ ret = decodeBinaryJumpTable[mt->typeKind]((void *UA_RESTRICT)ptr, mt, ctx); ptr += mt->memSize; } ctx->depth--; return ret; } static status decodeBinaryStructureWithOptFields(void *dst, const UA_DataType *type, Ctx *ctx) { /* Check the recursion limit */ UA_CHECK(ctx->depth <= UA_ENCODING_MAX_RECURSION, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGERROR); ctx->depth++; uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)dst; UA_UInt32 encodingMask = 0; status ret = UInt32_decodeBinary(&encodingMask, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT32], ctx); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, ctx->depth--; return ret); /* Loop over members */ for(size_t i = 0, o = 0; i < type->membersSize && ret == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; ++i) { const UA_DataTypeMember *m = &type->members[i]; const UA_DataType *mt = m->memberType; ptr += m->padding; if(m->isOptional) { if(!(encodingMask & (UA_UInt32) ( (UA_UInt32) 1<<(o++)))) { /* Optional field is not contained */ if(m->isArray) ptr += sizeof(size_t); } else if(m->isArray) { /* Optional Array */ size_t *length = (size_t*)ptr; ptr += sizeof(size_t); ret = Array_decodeBinary((void *UA_RESTRICT *UA_RESTRICT)ptr, length, mt , ctx); } else { /* Optional Scalar */ *(void *UA_RESTRICT *UA_RESTRICT) ptr = UA_calloc(1, mt->memSize); UA_CHECK_MEM(*(void *UA_RESTRICT *UA_RESTRICT) ptr, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADOUTOFMEMORY); ret = decodeBinaryJumpTable[mt->typeKind](*(void *UA_RESTRICT *UA_RESTRICT) ptr, mt, ctx); } ptr += sizeof(void *); continue; } /* Array */ if(m->isArray) { size_t *length = (size_t *)ptr; ptr += sizeof(size_t); ret = Array_decodeBinary((void *UA_RESTRICT *UA_RESTRICT)ptr, length, mt, ctx); ptr += sizeof(void *); continue; } /* Scalar */ ret = decodeBinaryJumpTable[mt->typeKind]((void *UA_RESTRICT)ptr, mt, ctx); ptr += mt->memSize; } ctx->depth--; return ret; } static status decodeBinaryUnion(void *UA_RESTRICT dst, const UA_DataType *type, Ctx *ctx) { /* Check the recursion limit */ UA_CHECK(ctx->depth <= UA_ENCODING_MAX_RECURSION, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADENCODINGERROR); /* Decode the selection directly into the switchfield */ status ret = DECODE_DIRECT(dst, UInt32); UA_CHECK_STATUS(ret, return ret); /* No content? */ UA_UInt32 selection = *(UA_UInt32*)dst; if(selection == 0) return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; /* Sanity check the selection */ UA_CHECK(selection-1 < type->membersSize, return UA_STATUSCODE_BADDECODINGERROR); /* Select the member */ const UA_DataTypeMember *m = &type->members[selection-1]; const UA_DataType *mt = m->memberType; /* Decode */ ctx->depth++; uintptr_t ptr = ((uintptr_t)dst) + m->padding; /* includes the switchfield */ if(!m->isArray) { ret = decodeBinaryJumpTable[mt->typeKind]((void *UA_RESTRICT)ptr, mt, ctx); } else { size_t *length = (size_t *)ptr; ptr += sizeof(size_t); ret = Array_decodeBinary((void *UA_RESTRICT *UA_RESTRICT)ptr, length, mt, ctx); } ctx->depth--; return ret; } const decodeBinarySignature decodeBinaryJumpTable[UA_DATATYPEKINDS] = { (decodeBinarySignature)Boolean_decodeBinary, (decodeBinarySignature)Byte_decodeBinary, /* SByte */ (decodeBinarySignature)Byte_decodeBinary, (decodeBinarySignature)UInt16_decodeBinary, /* Int16 */ (decodeBinarySignature)UInt16_decodeBinary, (decodeBinarySignature)UInt32_decodeBinary, /* Int32 */ (decodeBinarySignature)UInt32_decodeBinary, (decodeBinarySignature)UInt64_decodeBinary, /* Int64 */ (decodeBinarySignature)UInt64_decodeBinary, (decodeBinarySignature)Float_decodeBinary, (decodeBinarySignature)Double_decodeBinary, (decodeBinarySignature)String_decodeBinary, (decodeBinarySignature)UInt64_decodeBinary, /* DateTime */ (decodeBinarySignature)Guid_decodeBinary, (decodeBinarySignature)String_decodeBinary, /* ByteString */ (decodeBinarySignature)String_decodeBinary, /* XmlElement */ (decodeBinarySignature)NodeId_decodeBinary, (decodeBinarySignature)ExpandedNodeId_decodeBinary, (decodeBinarySignature)UInt32_decodeBinary, /* StatusCode */ (decodeBinarySignature)QualifiedName_decodeBinary, (decodeBinarySignature)LocalizedText_decodeBinary, (decodeBinarySignature)ExtensionObject_decodeBinary, (decodeBinarySignature)DataValue_decodeBinary, (decodeBinarySignature)Variant_decodeBinary, (decodeBinarySignature)DiagnosticInfo_decodeBinary, (decodeBinarySignature)decodeBinaryNotImplemented, /* Decimal */ (decodeBinarySignature)UInt32_decodeBinary, /* Enumeration */ (decodeBinarySignature)decodeBinaryStructure, (decodeBinarySignature)decodeBinaryStructureWithOptFields, /* Structure with optional fields */ (decodeBinarySignature)decodeBinaryUnion, /* Union */ (decodeBinarySignature)decodeBinaryNotImplemented /* BitfieldCluster */ }; status UA_decodeBinaryInternal(const UA_ByteString *src, size_t *offset, void *dst, const UA_DataType *type, const UA_DataTypeArray *customTypes) { /* Set up the context */ Ctx ctx; ctx.pos = &src->data[*offset]; ctx.end = &src->data[src->length]; ctx.depth = 0; ctx.customTypes = customTypes; /* Decode */ memset(dst, 0, type->memSize); /* Initialize the value */ status ret = decodeBinaryJumpTable[type->typeKind](dst, type, &ctx); if(UA_LIKELY(ret == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)) { /* Set the new offset */ *offset = (size_t)(ctx.pos - src->data) / sizeof(u8); } else { /* Clean up */ UA_clear(dst, type); memset(dst, 0, type->memSize); } return ret; } UA_StatusCode UA_decodeBinary(const UA_ByteString *inBuf, void *p, const UA_DataType *type, const UA_DecodeBinaryOptions *options) { size_t offset = 0; const UA_DataTypeArray *customTypes = options ? options->customTypes : NULL; return UA_decodeBinaryInternal(inBuf, &offset, p, type, customTypes); } /** * Compute the Message Size * ------------------------ * The following methods are used to compute the length of a datum in binary * encoding. */ static size_t Array_calcSizeBinary(const void *src, size_t length, const UA_DataType *type) { size_t s = 4; /* length */ if(type->overlayable) { s += type->memSize * length; return s; } uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)src; for(size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { s += calcSizeBinaryJumpTable[type->typeKind]((const void*)ptr, type); ptr += type->memSize; } return s; } static size_t calcSizeBinary1(const void *_, const UA_DataType *__) { (void)_, (void)__; return 1; } static size_t calcSizeBinary2(const void *_, const UA_DataType *__) { (void)_, (void)__; return 2; } static size_t calcSizeBinary4(const void *_, const UA_DataType *__) { (void)_, (void)__; return 4; } static size_t calcSizeBinary8(const void *_, const UA_DataType *__) { (void)_, (void)__; return 8; } CALCSIZE_BINARY(String) { return 4 + src->length; } CALCSIZE_BINARY(Guid) { return 16; } CALCSIZE_BINARY(NodeId) { size_t s = 1; /* Encoding byte */ switch(src->identifierType) { case UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC: if(src->identifier.numeric > UA_UINT16_MAX || src->namespaceIndex > UA_BYTE_MAX) { s += 6; } else if(src->identifier.numeric > UA_BYTE_MAX || src->namespaceIndex > 0) { s += 3; } else { s += 1; } break; case UA_NODEIDTYPE_BYTESTRING: case UA_NODEIDTYPE_STRING: s += 2; s += String_calcSizeBinary(&src->identifier.string, NULL); break; case UA_NODEIDTYPE_GUID: s += 18; break; default: return 0; } return s; } CALCSIZE_BINARY(ExpandedNodeId) { size_t s = NodeId_calcSizeBinary(&src->nodeId, NULL); if(src->namespaceUri.length > 0) s += String_calcSizeBinary(&src->namespaceUri, NULL); if(src->serverIndex > 0) s += 4; return s; } CALCSIZE_BINARY(QualifiedName) { return 2 + String_calcSizeBinary(&src->name, NULL); } CALCSIZE_BINARY(LocalizedText) { size_t s = 1; /* Encoding byte */ if(src->locale.data) s += String_calcSizeBinary(&src->locale, NULL); if(src->text.data) s += String_calcSizeBinary(&src->text, NULL); return s; } CALCSIZE_BINARY(ExtensionObject) { size_t s = 1; /* Encoding byte */ /* Encoded content */ if(src->encoding <= UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODED_XML) { s += NodeId_calcSizeBinary(&src->content.encoded.typeId, NULL); switch(src->encoding) { case UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODED_NOBODY: break; case UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODED_BYTESTRING: case UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_ENCODED_XML: s += String_calcSizeBinary(&src->content.encoded.body, NULL); break; default: return 0; } return s; } /* Decoded content */ if(!src->content.decoded.type || !src->content.decoded.data) return 0; if(src->content.decoded.type->typeId.identifierType != UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC) return 0; s += NodeId_calcSizeBinary(&src->content.decoded.type->binaryEncodingId, NULL); /* Type encoding length */ s += 4; /* Encoding length field */ const UA_DataType *type = src->content.decoded.type; s += calcSizeBinaryJumpTable[type->typeKind](src->content.decoded.data, type); /* Encoding length */ return s; } CALCSIZE_BINARY(Variant) { size_t s = 1; /* Encoding byte */ if(!src->type) return s; const UA_Boolean isArray = src->arrayLength > 0 || src->data <= UA_EMPTY_ARRAY_SENTINEL; if(isArray) s += Array_calcSizeBinary(src->data, src->arrayLength, src->type); else s += calcSizeBinaryJumpTable[src->type->typeKind](src->data, src->type); const UA_Boolean isBuiltin = (src->type->typeKind <= UA_DATATYPEKIND_DIAGNOSTICINFO); const UA_Boolean isEnum = (src->type->typeKind == UA_DATATYPEKIND_ENUM); if(!isBuiltin && !isEnum) { /* The type is wrapped inside an extensionobject */ /* (NodeId + encoding byte + extension object length) * array length */ size_t length = isArray ? src->arrayLength : 1; s += (NodeId_calcSizeBinary(&src->type->binaryEncodingId, NULL) + 1 + 4) * length; } const UA_Boolean hasDimensions = isArray && src->arrayDimensionsSize > 0; if(hasDimensions) s += Array_calcSizeBinary(src->arrayDimensions, src->arrayDimensionsSize, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_INT32]); return s; } CALCSIZE_BINARY(DataValue) { size_t s = 1; /* Encoding byte */ if(src->hasValue) s += Variant_calcSizeBinary(&src->value, NULL); if(src->hasStatus) s += 4; if(src->hasSourceTimestamp) s += 8; if(src->hasSourcePicoseconds) s += 2; if(src->hasServerTimestamp) s += 8; if(src->hasServerPicoseconds) s += 2; return s; } CALCSIZE_BINARY(DiagnosticInfo) { size_t s = 1; /* Encoding byte */ if(src->hasSymbolicId) s += 4; if(src->hasNamespaceUri) s += 4; if(src->hasLocalizedText) s += 4; if(src->hasLocale) s += 4; if(src->hasAdditionalInfo) s += String_calcSizeBinary(&src->additionalInfo, NULL); if(src->hasInnerStatusCode) s += 4; if(src->hasInnerDiagnosticInfo) s += DiagnosticInfo_calcSizeBinary(src->innerDiagnosticInfo, NULL); return s; } static size_t calcSizeBinaryStructure(const void *p, const UA_DataType *type) { size_t s = 0; uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)p; u8 membersSize = type->membersSize; /* Loop over members */ for(size_t i = 0; i < membersSize; ++i) { const UA_DataTypeMember *member = &type->members[i]; const UA_DataType *membertype = member->memberType; ptr += member->padding; /* Array */ if(member->isArray) { const size_t length = *((const size_t*)ptr); ptr += sizeof(size_t); s += Array_calcSizeBinary(*(void *UA_RESTRICT const *)ptr, length, membertype); ptr += sizeof(void*); continue; } /* Scalar */ s += calcSizeBinaryJumpTable[membertype->typeKind]((const void*)ptr, membertype); ptr += membertype->memSize; } return s; } static size_t calcSizeBinaryStructureWithOptFields(const void *p, const UA_DataType *type) { /* Start with the size of the encoding mask */ size_t s = sizeof(UA_UInt32); /* Loop over members */ uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)p; for(size_t i = 0; i < type->membersSize; ++i) { const UA_DataTypeMember *member = &type->members[i]; const UA_DataType *membertype = member->memberType; ptr += member->padding; if(member->isOptional) { if((member->isArray && ((*(void* const*)(ptr+sizeof(size_t))) == NULL)) || (!member->isArray && (*(void* const*)ptr == NULL))) { /* Optional member not contained */ if(member->isArray) ptr += sizeof(size_t); ptr += sizeof(void *); continue; } /* Fallthrough to take the size into account */ } /* Array */ if(member->isArray) { const size_t length = *((const size_t*)ptr); ptr += sizeof(size_t); s += Array_calcSizeBinary(*(void *UA_RESTRICT const *)ptr, length, membertype); ptr += sizeof(void*); continue; } /* Scalar */ if (member->isOptional) { s += calcSizeBinaryJumpTable[membertype->typeKind](*(void* const*)ptr, membertype); ptr += sizeof(void *); } else { s += calcSizeBinaryJumpTable[membertype->typeKind]((const void*)ptr, membertype); ptr += membertype->memSize; } } return s; } static size_t calcSizeBinaryUnion(const void *p, const UA_DataType *type) { size_t s = 4; /* UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT32].memSize; */ const UA_UInt32 selection = *(const UA_UInt32 *)p; if(selection == 0) return s; const UA_DataTypeMember *m = &type->members[selection-1]; const UA_DataType *mt = m->memberType; uintptr_t ptr = ((uintptr_t)p) + m->padding; /* includes switchfield length */ if(!m->isArray) { s += UA_calcSizeBinary((const void*)ptr, mt); } else { const size_t length = *((const size_t*)ptr); ptr += sizeof(size_t); s += Array_calcSizeBinary(*(void *UA_RESTRICT const *)ptr, length, mt); } return s; } static size_t calcSizeBinaryNotImplemented(const void *p, const UA_DataType *type) { (void)p, (void)type; return 0; } const calcSizeBinarySignature calcSizeBinaryJumpTable[UA_DATATYPEKINDS] = { (calcSizeBinarySignature)calcSizeBinary1, /* Boolean */ (calcSizeBinarySignature)calcSizeBinary1, /* SByte */ (calcSizeBinarySignature)calcSizeBinary1, /* Byte */ (calcSizeBinarySignature)calcSizeBinary2, /* Int16 */ (calcSizeBinarySignature)calcSizeBinary2, /* UInt16 */ (calcSizeBinarySignature)calcSizeBinary4, /* Int32 */ (calcSizeBinarySignature)calcSizeBinary4, /* UInt32 */ (calcSizeBinarySignature)calcSizeBinary8, /* Int64 */ (calcSizeBinarySignature)calcSizeBinary8, /* UInt64 */ (calcSizeBinarySignature)calcSizeBinary4, /* Float */ (calcSizeBinarySignature)calcSizeBinary8, /* Double */ (calcSizeBinarySignature)String_calcSizeBinary, (calcSizeBinarySignature)calcSizeBinary8, /* DateTime */ (calcSizeBinarySignature)Guid_calcSizeBinary, (calcSizeBinarySignature)String_calcSizeBinary, /* ByteString */ (calcSizeBinarySignature)String_calcSizeBinary, /* XmlElement */ (calcSizeBinarySignature)NodeId_calcSizeBinary, (calcSizeBinarySignature)ExpandedNodeId_calcSizeBinary, (calcSizeBinarySignature)calcSizeBinary4, /* StatusCode */ (calcSizeBinarySignature)QualifiedName_calcSizeBinary, (calcSizeBinarySignature)LocalizedText_calcSizeBinary, (calcSizeBinarySignature)ExtensionObject_calcSizeBinary, (calcSizeBinarySignature)DataValue_calcSizeBinary, (calcSizeBinarySignature)Variant_calcSizeBinary, (calcSizeBinarySignature)DiagnosticInfo_calcSizeBinary, (calcSizeBinarySignature)calcSizeBinaryNotImplemented, /* Decimal */ (calcSizeBinarySignature)calcSizeBinary4, /* Enumeration */ (calcSizeBinarySignature)calcSizeBinaryStructure, (calcSizeBinarySignature)calcSizeBinaryStructureWithOptFields, /* Structure with Optional Fields */ (calcSizeBinarySignature)calcSizeBinaryUnion, /* Union */ (calcSizeBinarySignature)calcSizeBinaryNotImplemented /* BitfieldCluster */ }; size_t UA_calcSizeBinary(const void *p, const UA_DataType *type) { return calcSizeBinaryJumpTable[type->typeKind](p, type); }